i would not say they are white white, more like a creamy white. but it was just right for us. they are great quality, my kids love them, they were easy to assemble.
After putting the bed together it is very sturdy, easy to put together, no parts were missing or damaged. The only thing is the slats for the mattress seem a little weak but are holding up well for an 8 year old and 18 year old. Will update review if things change over time.
Solid piece of furniture, but not that easy to assemble. Comes in a long flat box that they recommend be moved by 2 people, ( if you are going up stairs). Lots of parts and screws. Also I recommend assembling in the room you want it in because it is large. Remember no mattresses are included.
Here are pictures from box to finish When I have time Ill specify the 2 or 3 flaws in the assembly manual/ no big deal if youre paying attention.
The wood is medium hardness scratched when my husband came in to assemble with me, and we werent communicating as we moved the pieces around. Once he was gone and I finished ;) I used a medium/wood coloring marker to cover our marks. Nobody will ever know!
Also, package weight was 128 lbs total.
For height reference, our ceilings are a few inches shy of 10 feet tall.
Thats all for now. Please click the Helpful icon, if this has benefited you and youd like others to see this quickly! Thanks!
It looks nice. Somewhat sturdy but the wood is is not very strong. Its scratches and dents very easily. I havent had it that long and it looks very old. I kinda regret buying it. The slats where the mattress goes on has wide gaps. Im going to need some plywood to make a better base.
VERY sturdy and heavy. Instructions were great and everything was labeled. Id say it took my husband and I about 2 hours to put together. The boys are in love with it, and I am happy it not only looks nice but is lower to the ground than a traditional bunk/bed (they are 3 and 6). My only complaint might be that I wish they included a few extra pieces of the hardware, as there were 2 occasions one of the wooden dowels slipped out and we had to frantically try and find it (not a super snug fit in some of the pre/drilled holes).
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this bunk bed. It always feels like a risk when buying furniture online. Butit arrived in good shape! There were no broken pieces or missing parts. It is made of solid wood. It took a couple hours to put together, but that was with excited kids helping.
We recently had to put our two girls in one room and it wasnt ideal to have two twin beds in there which left them very little room to play between their beds and other bedroom furniture.
I searched for three weeks read every review, pros and cons here on and a few other websites. I kept coming back to this bunkbed and one other. I went between the two bunks for a week before deciding on this one. We could not be happier with it! Two weeks and its the best bed we could have bought for our girls. It is an awesome space saver, theu each have their own sleeping area separate from each other where theu cant see one another bit have the comfort that the other is still in the room.
We have a six inch memory foam mattress on the top and our daughter has plenty of room between the top of her mattress and the top of the safety rail. We have a 8 inch memory foam mattress on the bottom for our Six year old and she can sit up fully in her bed and still has room above her head.
A plus to this is you can fit a low trundle with an ikea 3 inch twin underneath easily.
The ned came in 3 days with our prime which is not bad for a huge box of furniture! It arrived undamaged and had all the pieces. My husband and I put it together, it took is 3.5 hours and that was stopping to put kids to bed in other rooms and bathing them and taking apart tje old beds too. Definitely better with two people.
My only complaint is that there are only 7 slats, we went to lowes and bough 4/5 slats more for each bed, more of a visual thing for me then a safety. Our 11 yr old is on the top and her mattress barely looks like in pushes thru when she is in it, but the extra slats will cover that if when it does that.
Great service. Product arrived on time and everything was
Great service. Product arrived on time and everything was exactly as posted. Thank you so much.
just right for us!
i would not say they are white white, more like a creamy white. but it was just right for us. they are great quality, my kids love them, they were easy to assemble.
Three Stars
Product was damaged and scratched but otherwise is sturdy bed only took an hr to assemble the whole thing.
After putting the bed together it is very sturdy, easy to put together
After putting the bed together it is very sturdy, easy to put together, no parts were missing or damaged. The only thing is the slats for the mattress seem a little weak but are holding up well for an 8 year old and 18 year old. Will update review if things change over time.
but not that easy to assemble
Solid piece of furniture, but not that easy to assemble. Comes in a long flat box that they recommend be moved by 2 people, ( if you are going up stairs). Lots of parts and screws. Also I recommend assembling in the room you want it in because it is large. Remember no mattresses are included.
5 Stars, for price point!
Here are pictures from box to finish When I have time Ill specify the 2 or 3 flaws in the assembly manual/ no big deal if youre paying attention. The wood is medium hardness scratched when my husband came in to assemble with me, and we werent communicating as we moved the pieces around. Once he was gone and I finished ;) I used a medium/wood coloring marker to cover our marks. Nobody will ever know! Also, package weight was 128 lbs total. For height reference, our ceilings are a few inches shy of 10 feet tall. Thats all for now. Please click the Helpful icon, if this has benefited you and youd like others to see this quickly! Thanks!
You get what you pay for
It looks nice. Somewhat sturdy but the wood is is not very strong. Its scratches and dents very easily. I havent had it that long and it looks very old. I kinda regret buying it. The slats where the mattress goes on has wide gaps. Im going to need some plywood to make a better base.
VERY sturdy and heavy
VERY sturdy and heavy. Instructions were great and everything was labeled. Id say it took my husband and I about 2 hours to put together. The boys are in love with it, and I am happy it not only looks nice but is lower to the ground than a traditional bunk/bed (they are 3 and 6). My only complaint might be that I wish they included a few extra pieces of the hardware, as there were 2 occasions one of the wooden dowels slipped out and we had to frantically try and find it (not a super snug fit in some of the pre/drilled holes).
It always feels like a risk when buying furniture online
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this bunk bed. It always feels like a risk when buying furniture online. Butit arrived in good shape! There were no broken pieces or missing parts. It is made of solid wood. It took a couple hours to put together, but that was with excited kids helping.
Great bed and awesome space saver
We recently had to put our two girls in one room and it wasnt ideal to have two twin beds in there which left them very little room to play between their beds and other bedroom furniture. I searched for three weeks read every review, pros and cons here on and a few other websites. I kept coming back to this bunkbed and one other. I went between the two bunks for a week before deciding on this one. We could not be happier with it! Two weeks and its the best bed we could have bought for our girls. It is an awesome space saver, theu each have their own sleeping area separate from each other where theu cant see one another bit have the comfort that the other is still in the room. We have a six inch memory foam mattress on the top and our daughter has plenty of room between the top of her mattress and the top of the safety rail. We have a 8 inch memory foam mattress on the bottom for our Six year old and she can sit up fully in her bed and still has room above her head. A plus to this is you can fit a low trundle with an ikea 3 inch twin underneath easily. The ned came in 3 days with our prime which is not bad for a huge box of furniture! It arrived undamaged and had all the pieces. My husband and I put it together, it took is 3.5 hours and that was stopping to put kids to bed in other rooms and bathing them and taking apart tje old beds too. Definitely better with two people. My only complaint is that there are only 7 slats, we went to lowes and bough 4/5 slats more for each bed, more of a visual thing for me then a safety. Our 11 yr old is on the top and her mattress barely looks like in pushes thru when she is in it, but the extra slats will cover that if when it does that.
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