Overall a good deal. I chose the adult frame thinking it would be bigger but to my disappointment it was relatively small, seems like 17 inch frame. Outside of that the bike looks great and I had no issues at all putting it together.
24 inches aluminum body, Beautiful red color. Very easy to assemble. The foots pedal is low grade for mountain bike. The gear is a brand name but seem to be low end compare to my another two bikes. Need all adjustments after assemble, break, gear. I added on the neck extension to make the hand bar higher. Overall, this is a good bike for my daughter
PS. No assemble tools come with the bike.
I bought the version with aluminum frame, 24 wheels and rim brakes for my 8/year/old son. This is a very nice bike. I have ridden and maintained bikes for 50 years, so I my views are guided by some experience. The only assembly challenge came with attaching the handlebar / like some other reviewers I found it necessary to detach the brake cable from the front brake, mount the handlebar, then reattach the cable.
The brakes are really solid and are easily adjusted for best performance. The shifters (Shimano revoshift front and rear) are intuitive and great for kids, and needed no adjustment out of the box. I have ridden the bike myself, standing up because of the small frame, and it doesnt feel that different from a mid/range mens mountain bike. My son loves it. From what I can see after 2 weeks of use, I think the bike will last many years and offers great value.
Not a lot of options for the medium priced bike out there. Its either junk for 200 or quality for 1k. Couldnt see the 1k bike for a kid thats going to abuse it and outgrow it in 2 years. This bike seems to be good quality. Instructions for assembly were pretty clear. It did require a lot of adjustments on brakes and gears to get it to function normally. All/in/all happy with purchase, until the boy breaks it of course. and Im assuming that will happen in short order.
I got it used from the shop. Really like it. But it arrived without seat, seat post and pedals. For the price I got its ok to buy those parts from the shop. Just a bit frustrating as I am not sure which exactly will suit this model. Thats why I rate low for comfort and assemble. If I dont manage, I will have to return it. otherwise its ok
Economical and safe
Great bike. Easy to ride. Well built and light.
This bike is light weight and rides smooth
I love this bike it is light weight and handles gravel hills and trails very well.
Good value and easy to put together
Overall a good deal. I chose the adult frame thinking it would be bigger but to my disappointment it was relatively small, seems like 17 inch frame. Outside of that the bike looks great and I had no issues at all putting it together.
Average bike for a brand name
24 inches aluminum body, Beautiful red color. Very easy to assemble. The foots pedal is low grade for mountain bike. The gear is a brand name but seem to be low end compare to my another two bikes. Need all adjustments after assemble, break, gear. I added on the neck extension to make the hand bar higher. Overall, this is a good bike for my daughter PS. No assemble tools come with the bike.
Good for summer bike ride.
This is good product.
Made in China
Made in China / decal messed up / along w/packaging / appears to have come from the factory that way.
bike will last many years and offers great value and performance
I bought the version with aluminum frame, 24 wheels and rim brakes for my 8/year/old son. This is a very nice bike. I have ridden and maintained bikes for 50 years, so I my views are guided by some experience. The only assembly challenge came with attaching the handlebar / like some other reviewers I found it necessary to detach the brake cable from the front brake, mount the handlebar, then reattach the cable. The brakes are really solid and are easily adjusted for best performance. The shifters (Shimano revoshift front and rear) are intuitive and great for kids, and needed no adjustment out of the box. I have ridden the bike myself, standing up because of the small frame, and it doesnt feel that different from a mid/range mens mountain bike. My son loves it. From what I can see after 2 weeks of use, I think the bike will last many years and offers great value.
Very light, weighs hardly anything. Would highly recommend.
Nice bike
Not a lot of options for the medium priced bike out there. Its either junk for 200 or quality for 1k. Couldnt see the 1k bike for a kid thats going to abuse it and outgrow it in 2 years. This bike seems to be good quality. Instructions for assembly were pretty clear. It did require a lot of adjustments on brakes and gears to get it to function normally. All/in/all happy with purchase, until the boy breaks it of course. and Im assuming that will happen in short order.
Parts missing
I got it used from the shop. Really like it. But it arrived without seat, seat post and pedals. For the price I got its ok to buy those parts from the shop. Just a bit frustrating as I am not sure which exactly will suit this model. Thats why I rate low for comfort and assemble. If I dont manage, I will have to return it. otherwise its ok
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