Not a lot of options for the medium priced bike out there. Its either junk for 200 or quality for 1k. Couldnt see the 1k bike for a kid thats going to abuse it and outgrow it in 2 years. This bike seems to be good quality. Instructions for assembly were pretty clear. It did require a lot of adjustments on brakes and gears to get it to function normally. All/in/all happy with purchase, until the boy breaks it of course. and Im assuming that will happen in short order.
Nice bike
Not a lot of options for the medium priced bike out there. Its either junk for 200 or quality for 1k. Couldnt see the 1k bike for a kid thats going to abuse it and outgrow it in 2 years. This bike seems to be good quality. Instructions for assembly were pretty clear. It did require a lot of adjustments on brakes and gears to get it to function normally. All/in/all happy with purchase, until the boy breaks it of course. and Im assuming that will happen in short order.