bike will last many years and offers great value and performance
I bought the version with aluminum frame, 24 wheels and rim brakes for my 8/year/old son. This is a very nice bike. I have ridden and maintained bikes for 50 years, so I my views are guided by some experience. The only assembly challenge came with attaching the handlebar / like some other reviewers I found it necessary to detach the brake cable from the front brake, mount the handlebar, then reattach the cable.
The brakes are really solid and are easily adjusted for best performance. The shifters (Shimano revoshift front and rear) are intuitive and great for kids, and needed no adjustment out of the box. I have ridden the bike myself, standing up because of the small frame, and it doesnt feel that different from a mid/range mens mountain bike. My son loves it. From what I can see after 2 weeks of use, I think the bike will last many years and offers great value.
bike will last many years and offers great value and performance
I bought the version with aluminum frame, 24 wheels and rim brakes for my 8/year/old son. This is a very nice bike. I have ridden and maintained bikes for 50 years, so I my views are guided by some experience. The only assembly challenge came with attaching the handlebar / like some other reviewers I found it necessary to detach the brake cable from the front brake, mount the handlebar, then reattach the cable. The brakes are really solid and are easily adjusted for best performance. The shifters (Shimano revoshift front and rear) are intuitive and great for kids, and needed no adjustment out of the box. I have ridden the bike myself, standing up because of the small frame, and it doesnt feel that different from a mid/range mens mountain bike. My son loves it. From what I can see after 2 weeks of use, I think the bike will last many years and offers great value.