Overall I like the how sturdy the bed is. However we had issues. Comes in four different boxes and all were delivered at different times over a week span. Put the dresser together to discover that two of the drawer pieces were missing and we had double of some parts instead. The company sent another dresser. After a week the knobs broke on the dresser drawers. Ended up buying new hardware. While putting the bed together, I happened to notice parts were labeled wrong after putting most parts together. Took more times then necessary to put together due to that issue.
My grandson (6) loves his new big boy bed! He has been sleeping with his parents, but from night one, he is on his own, full time, no issues! The bed was ok to put together, directions were not great, but if you think it through you will get it. The rails on the steps are narrow and hurt his feet, so i cut pool noodles (learned that from other reviews) and he has had no problems. The rail slats that hold the mattress arent very thick, so we put a strict no jumping on the bed rule, in time Ill put a brace underneath just for peace of mind. But it is a home run for a little boy who loves his own space. We put his old toddler mattress underneath the bed for a more comfortable place to hang out.
Have patience and wine. Pre-assembly what you can before screwing. Desk is missing some drill holes. Altogether, I am satisfied with product. Oh, I have to figure out how to get warning sticker headboard.
This bed was PERFECT for our sons small room. It is sturdy, and has lots of storage! The bed was delivered in 4 different boxes in 3 different deliveries, but it came way before the promised deliver date. It didnt take long to put each part together. Everything came labeled nicely and the stickers peeled off easily.
Edited to add that its been a year and the bed is still working wonderfully! Ive got a rambunctious 12 year old who has loved this bed. One knob has broken off of the dresser, but other than that Im still very pleased and would recommend this bed.
It does not take up a lot of space.
It is pretty and it does not take up a lot of space!?
Seems sturdy, poor quality control
Overall I like the how sturdy the bed is. However we had issues. Comes in four different boxes and all were delivered at different times over a week span. Put the dresser together to discover that two of the drawer pieces were missing and we had double of some parts instead. The company sent another dresser. After a week the knobs broke on the dresser drawers. Ended up buying new hardware. While putting the bed together, I happened to notice parts were labeled wrong after putting most parts together. Took more times then necessary to put together due to that issue.
Love the product
Exactly what we expected
Easy to assemble
Kids will love it!
My grandson (6) loves his new big boy bed! He has been sleeping with his parents, but from night one, he is on his own, full time, no issues! The bed was ok to put together, directions were not great, but if you think it through you will get it. The rails on the steps are narrow and hurt his feet, so i cut pool noodles (learned that from other reviews) and he has had no problems. The rail slats that hold the mattress arent very thick, so we put a strict no jumping on the bed rule, in time Ill put a brace underneath just for peace of mind. But it is a home run for a little boy who loves his own space. We put his old toddler mattress underneath the bed for a more comfortable place to hang out.
I need help assembling this
Using the product for my 4 years old . The assembler messed everything up though. I am have not find someone to help out it today
Quality product at a great price
The product arrived earlier than expected. Assembly was relatively easy. One of the best decisions I've made this year. The family loves it.
Pre drilled holes needed to be done better but overall great bed
Some of the pre drilled holes werent fully drilled which caused difficulties with putting it together but aside from that its a great bed!
Patience and wine needed.
Have patience and wine. Pre-assembly what you can before screwing. Desk is missing some drill holes. Altogether, I am satisfied with product. Oh, I have to figure out how to get warning sticker headboard.
Great option for small spaces!
This bed was PERFECT for our sons small room. It is sturdy, and has lots of storage! The bed was delivered in 4 different boxes in 3 different deliveries, but it came way before the promised deliver date. It didnt take long to put each part together. Everything came labeled nicely and the stickers peeled off easily. Edited to add that its been a year and the bed is still working wonderfully! Ive got a rambunctious 12 year old who has loved this bed. One knob has broken off of the dresser, but other than that Im still very pleased and would recommend this bed.
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