Arrived quickly, not too difficult to assemble, and seems fairly sturdy. Had minimal damage during shipment, damaged parts replaced quickly and without hassle.
I read all the reviews about how difficult this was to put together and I was reluctant. I had to get it anyways due to lack of room space and the price was in our budget.
I would buy it again! Sturdy, did fine putting it together Im glad I bought it. My daughter loves it
Loved them the color is great it took a bit to assemble the first one. We purchase two one of each child the second was rather easy. Love the storage and shelf I g is quite a bit to keep toys love the desk next to it and the fact that is retractable. My kids are still small 6 and 5 and they live the little hiding spot under the bed. I placed a pillow and a niche fluffy rug. Hope it lasts
The bed is sturdy but you better know how to put stuff together. Directions were worthless. Holes dont match up. Delivery company dumped it in our driveway and destroyed the boxes.
The product arrived well packed, complete, and undamaged. The assembly instructions were thorough and well presented and all necessary parts and pieces were included. If you can follow instructions the assembly is straightforward and pretty simple. There was, however, a small glitch that could have presented a problem to someone without a variety of tools. When attaching the top of the sliding desk it is necessary to screw the lower shelf section and a support bar to the underside. I found there were no pre-drilled holes in the underside of the top section and though it was simple enough to determine how the parts went together without the pre-drilled holes anyone without a drill and a small bit would have been unable to complete the assembly. And if you aren't careful there is always the chance you drill too far and pass through the desktop which, though not fatal, would ruin the overall appearance of the desk. I managed to complete the task without complications and am happy with the results. Once assembled, the bed feels sturdy and durable. I'm sure over time some re-tightening will be necessary but as of right now everyone is happy.
Assembly instructions came for each piece in separate boxes, easy to follow, quick assembly! Shipped quickly and my daughter absolutely loves it!! Thank you!
It did take me all day to put it together because there are so many pieces but it all worked out and is a very nice bed. The only thing do far that isn't great are the knobs on the dresser - they've already come off but that's an easy fix by going to Lowe's and getting some new ones.
nice kids bed
Arrived quickly, not too difficult to assemble, and seems fairly sturdy. Had minimal damage during shipment, damaged parts replaced quickly and without hassle.
Great for the $
I read all the reviews about how difficult this was to put together and I was reluctant. I had to get it anyways due to lack of room space and the price was in our budget. I would buy it again! Sturdy, did fine putting it together Im glad I bought it. My daughter loves it
Loved them the color is great it took a bit to assemble the first one. We purchase two one of each child the second was rather easy. Love the storage and shelf I g is quite a bit to keep toys love the desk next to it and the fact that is retractable. My kids are still small 6 and 5 and they live the little hiding spot under the bed. I placed a pillow and a niche fluffy rug. Hope it lasts
My 4year old loves his bed !!
Nice bed for a small room
The bed is sturdy but you better know how to put stuff together. Directions were worthless. Holes dont match up. Delivery company dumped it in our driveway and destroyed the boxes.
Tremendous Value
Bought this for my daughter and though slightly delayed in shipping it was more than worth the wait.
My Grand Daughter loves it.
The product arrived well packed, complete, and undamaged. The assembly instructions were thorough and well presented and all necessary parts and pieces were included. If you can follow instructions the assembly is straightforward and pretty simple. There was, however, a small glitch that could have presented a problem to someone without a variety of tools. When attaching the top of the sliding desk it is necessary to screw the lower shelf section and a support bar to the underside. I found there were no pre-drilled holes in the underside of the top section and though it was simple enough to determine how the parts went together without the pre-drilled holes anyone without a drill and a small bit would have been unable to complete the assembly. And if you aren't careful there is always the chance you drill too far and pass through the desktop which, though not fatal, would ruin the overall appearance of the desk. I managed to complete the task without complications and am happy with the results. Once assembled, the bed feels sturdy and durable. I'm sure over time some re-tightening will be necessary but as of right now everyone is happy.
Perfect bed for my daughter!
Assembly instructions came for each piece in separate boxes, easy to follow, quick assembly! Shipped quickly and my daughter absolutely loves it!! Thank you!
Great space saver for my seven-year-olds room
Many pieces but beautiful in the end
It did take me all day to put it together because there are so many pieces but it all worked out and is a very nice bed. The only thing do far that isn't great are the knobs on the dresser - they've already come off but that's an easy fix by going to Lowe's and getting some new ones.
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