Overall I like the how sturdy the bed is. However we had issues. Comes in four different boxes and all were delivered at different times over a week span. Put the dresser together to discover that two of the drawer pieces were missing and we had double of some parts instead. The company sent another dresser. After a week the knobs broke on the dresser drawers. Ended up buying new hardware. While putting the bed together, I happened to notice parts were labeled wrong after putting most parts together. Took more times then necessary to put together due to that issue.
Seems sturdy, poor quality control
Overall I like the how sturdy the bed is. However we had issues. Comes in four different boxes and all were delivered at different times over a week span. Put the dresser together to discover that two of the drawer pieces were missing and we had double of some parts instead. The company sent another dresser. After a week the knobs broke on the dresser drawers. Ended up buying new hardware. While putting the bed together, I happened to notice parts were labeled wrong after putting most parts together. Took more times then necessary to put together due to that issue.