We haven't put it together, got it delivered 4 minutes ago and all 4 boxes are busted open, broken pieces, possibly missing items. We are missing all hardware to put it together. Have pictures of everything if needed!
Our toddler loves this bed so much it completed his room its super sturdy! Even we slide on it when we get off his bed when we sleep with his so that just tells you we love it!
My husband and I set it up, wasnt very difficult. Well made and packaged well. The only problem I see is there is a bigger dip getting on the slide, but see why the need it. My granddaughter loves it and makes a fort under the bed!
My 5 year old son loves it, but the slide is way to steep to be functional. I probably should have gotten the one with the stairs. The ladder is cool, but the space between the the top of the ladder and the post on that side is tiny for tall children.
Broken pieces and busted open boxes
We haven't put it together, got it delivered 4 minutes ago and all 4 boxes are busted open, broken pieces, possibly missing items. We are missing all hardware to put it together. Have pictures of everything if needed!
Missing parts first time sent then the second time as well not that sturdy but will do the job for the short time needed
Missing parts, damaged boxes
Boxes were damages, no hardware was included...just the wood..and no instructions... Now I have to load this somehow to even get a refund
Easy to put together.
I like the sturdiness.
bought two bunk beds but I only received one box of slatted bed
bought two bunk beds but I only received one box of slatted bed
Missing one whole box shipment 4 of 5 was delivered
Missing one whole box shipment 4 of 5 was delivered, missing the bottom wood support for both the beds Super ridiculous
When I took the bed out of the box, it did not come with any hardware
When I took the bed out of the box, it did not come with any hardware
10/10 recommended 100% we love it!
Our toddler loves this bed so much it completed his room its super sturdy! Even we slide on it when we get off his bed when we sleep with his so that just tells you we love it!
Granddaughter loves it!
My husband and I set it up, wasnt very difficult. Well made and packaged well. The only problem I see is there is a bigger dip getting on the slide, but see why the need it. My granddaughter loves it and makes a fort under the bed!
Great aesthetic, steep slide.
My 5 year old son loves it, but the slide is way to steep to be functional. I probably should have gotten the one with the stairs. The ladder is cool, but the space between the the top of the ladder and the post on that side is tiny for tall children.
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