Bed is very sturdy and looks great just like the pictures! However, it was very difficult to put together, we had to piece every little section together, it was a lot of work.
Great bed for the price! The only reason I didnt give it 5 stars is because some of the pieces of wood came damaged. It seems pretty sturdy. The instructions of assembly werent that bad to follow, but those stickers were a pain in the arse. Trying to find those tiny stickers and then having to remove them. They shouldve made the stickers a different color than so it would be easier to find and save time. Other than that, my kids love their bed and Im happy.
I received the package after having to pick it up from ups cuz the driver was to lazy to drop it off. We put it together and the wood around where you put the screw in kinda cracks a little when you tighten it up. I also had a couple of spots on the bed that came damaged. Not very happy seeing how we payed a good amount for it.
Super sturdy. I bought this one as we occasionally have adults sleeping on them and they are rated for 400 lbs. And it definitely seems like it will be fine. It comes in a million pieces so be prepared for a several hour assembly.
Got these for my spare bedroom, I love it. I like how you can separate the bunk and also convert it back. Construction was easy but took a while. The instructions were wrong and left out some steps putting the slats correctly together on the head board. But honestly, it was totally worth the price!!!
Sturdy and beautiful.
Bed is very sturdy and looks great just like the pictures! However, it was very difficult to put together, we had to piece every little section together, it was a lot of work.
Nice bed. Wouldve been nicer if it didnt come damaged.
Great bed for the price! The only reason I didnt give it 5 stars is because some of the pieces of wood came damaged. It seems pretty sturdy. The instructions of assembly werent that bad to follow, but those stickers were a pain in the arse. Trying to find those tiny stickers and then having to remove them. They shouldve made the stickers a different color than so it would be easier to find and save time. Other than that, my kids love their bed and Im happy.
not that happy
I received the package after having to pick it up from ups cuz the driver was to lazy to drop it off. We put it together and the wood around where you put the screw in kinda cracks a little when you tighten it up. I also had a couple of spots on the bed that came damaged. Not very happy seeing how we payed a good amount for it.
Super sturdy. I bought this one as we occasionally have adults sleeping on them and they are rated for 400 lbs. And it definitely seems like it will be fine. It comes in a million pieces so be prepared for a several hour assembly.
Value for the money!
Great value for the money. Would totally recommend these and buy them again.
Bueno y excelente
Exceeded my expectations
Very sturdy
Nice beds, good quality, good style
Got these for my spare bedroom, I love it. I like how you can separate the bunk and also convert it back. Construction was easy but took a while. The instructions were wrong and left out some steps putting the slats correctly together on the head board. But honestly, it was totally worth the price!!!
takes awhile to put together
It took quite a bit of time to put together. The stickers on it are a pain to get off. Otherwise it seems to be a pretty good and pretty sturdy bed.
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