Overall a good product. My husband is handy so it took roughly and hour to assemble. Unfortunately as well were laying on it the metal bar came off on one end. It was easy to fix but it definitely should have a weight limit
The bed was easy to build. It is very sturdy and has a nice look. Unfortunately, once it was assembled, we found different sections with damage to the wood that was not part of the weathered look.
So far, so good. We hired our handy man to build because we wanted to ensure they were sturdy for our boys. He was able to do it alone in a few hours and bed feels nice and safe. Based on another review we had him add plywood under each mattress (both bunks and trundle) and I think that makes a huge difference. I wouldnt feel as comfortable with my son on the top without it.
Obviously durability/longevity are unknown at this point since it has only been one week but I do love the navy color and the style - its just what I wanted. Boys have no issues climbing up ladder. Got 8 twins for trundle and top. Good height for top but a bit of a squeeze for trundle with the added plywood. Right now were all very happy and hope it stays that way!
Overall the bed is great..however for a $500 dollar bed the instructions should be WAY better than they where. No words explaining anything and it got a little confusing because some of the examples you would have no clue what they are trying to show. The actual bed itself is good. Yes I would recommend. And for the records 39x75 mattress WILL fit just fine.
Sturdier and easier than IKEA beds
Pleasantly surprised with how easy this bed is to assemble. The wood parts are of good and sturdy quality.
Great for a spare bedroom
Overall a good product. My husband is handy so it took roughly and hour to assemble. Unfortunately as well were laying on it the metal bar came off on one end. It was easy to fix but it definitely should have a weight limit
Comes with damage
The bed was easy to build. It is very sturdy and has a nice look. Unfortunately, once it was assembled, we found different sections with damage to the wood that was not part of the weathered look.
Good price for solid bed
We put the bed together today. Did some backwards and had to redo it. Came out great!
Everyone loves it - 1 week in
So far, so good. We hired our handy man to build because we wanted to ensure they were sturdy for our boys. He was able to do it alone in a few hours and bed feels nice and safe. Based on another review we had him add plywood under each mattress (both bunks and trundle) and I think that makes a huge difference. I wouldnt feel as comfortable with my son on the top without it. Obviously durability/longevity are unknown at this point since it has only been one week but I do love the navy color and the style - its just what I wanted. Boys have no issues climbing up ladder. Got 8 twins for trundle and top. Good height for top but a bit of a squeeze for trundle with the added plywood. Right now were all very happy and hope it stays that way!
Easy to assemble if you follow instructions. Very sturdy high quality bed. Looks great too.
Easy to assemble if you follow instructions. Very sturdy high quality bed. Looks great too.
Overall the bed is great..however for a $500 dollar bed the instructions should be WAY better than they where. No words explaining anything and it got a little confusing because some of the examples you would have no clue what they are trying to show. The actual bed itself is good. Yes I would recommend. And for the records 39x75 mattress WILL fit just fine.
Happy with Purchase
Perfect to complete my kids bedroom (4yoand2yo) Very sturdy and would purchase again.
Gorgeous Bed
We received this bed 2 days after we placed the order. It is so nice!! We are very happy with our purchase.
Sturdy, supports my wife and daughter
Relatively easy to install except slats were pain. Instruction was ok but marking of screws were poorly done.
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