These chairs were so inexpensive compared to others that I had my doubts about the quality. Was I wrong.These are sturdy,well made chairs. Easy to assemble. I painted mine to brighten them up but you can just stain them if you want.
I bought this as a fathers day present for my partner and he is a plus sized guy. Very comfy and put together quickly. It had a small issue of missing a screw but sent an email to customer service and it came within 8 days (during the pandemic, that was fast). Folds nicely when not in use.
Needs fully assembled piece by piece not to bad if youre patient. I figured if Im going to invest in the labor I might as well upgrade the finish during the build. I used a hand held torch and 4 cans of Spar spray urithane to protect from UV. The finished product was well worth it for the price!
Ill start by first saying I am a woodworker, so maybe I had a little advantage assembling these chairs. The alignment holes were right on, and the instructions were very good. Except for one cracked arm piece (which I just fixed myself) all the parts were good. Color uniformity was also very good. I bought 4 of these, and would buy more if needed.
While the product was fairly priced nowhere was I informed that it needed to be assembled. if I had known I would never have the purchased the chairs.I believe this information was deliberately withheld. The cost of assembly negated the fair price. I could have purchased a fully assembled chairs in a store in my home town I partly blame for allowing this to occur.
I bought 4 of these
I bought 4 of thesenice looking chairs, good product! Easy to assemble, even for a girl
Easy to assemble. Look fantastic !!!!
These chairs were so inexpensive compared to others that I had my doubts about the quality. Was I wrong.These are sturdy,well made chairs. Easy to assemble. I painted mine to brighten them up but you can just stain them if you want.
Comfy and sturdy for not tiny people
I bought this as a fathers day present for my partner and he is a plus sized guy. Very comfy and put together quickly. It had a small issue of missing a screw but sent an email to customer service and it came within 8 days (during the pandemic, that was fast). Folds nicely when not in use.
Exactly what we were looking for. Comfy, sturdy and good looking
Vibrant color
Love this chair, very well made, easy to assemble and adds a great pop of color to my patio set.
Full Assembly required but worth it.
Needs fully assembled piece by piece not to bad if youre patient. I figured if Im going to invest in the labor I might as well upgrade the finish during the build. I used a hand held torch and 4 cans of Spar spray urithane to protect from UV. The finished product was well worth it for the price!
Great value chair
Ill start by first saying I am a woodworker, so maybe I had a little advantage assembling these chairs. The alignment holes were right on, and the instructions were very good. Except for one cracked arm piece (which I just fixed myself) all the parts were good. Color uniformity was also very good. I bought 4 of these, and would buy more if needed.
While the product was fairly priced nowhere was I informed that it needed to be assembled. if I had known I would never have the purchased the chairs.I believe this information was deliberately withheld. The cost of assembly negated the fair price. I could have purchased a fully assembled chairs in a store in my home town I partly blame for allowing this to occur.
Cracked chairs
We just put these together and 2 of our 4 chairs came cracked. One chair has the arm completely cracked in half.
Nice chair kit.
I was a little surprised at how compact the shipping box was. All pieces were clearly marked as well as starter points.
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