My daughter loves this bed. It was pretty easy to assemble, I spent the evening in her room by myself doing it while listening to Audible. I recommend this bed.
These beds were pretty easy to assemble and they are very sturdy. The wood is laminated, so it can be scratched / as every other laminated product can be. The ladder is pretty narrow for an adult going up. We found the ladder rungs to be too slippery and added some non skid tape to them. We took the tip from another review and bought bunkie boards for the beds so we have no worries at all about the wood slats breaking. Our nephews absolutely love them and we feel that they are safe on them.
Sturdy and looks like the picture. Takes a while to put together but everything was in great shape when it arrived. I love that when my kids have their own room they can keep their beds.
Hard to assemble. The screws that connect the sides to the head and the foot sometimes didnt go smoothly. If youre small or not the strongest person definitely better to assemble with two people. We put an 8 in mattress on the bottom and not enough room for a 55 person to sit up, so far not a horrible bed though. its okay and will do the job for the price.
Faboulous bunk beds!! We purchased 2 sets and are extreamly happy with them. Very sturdy, great quality and beautiful color. They arent difficult to put together, but it does take some time. Highly recommenend!
Easy to assemble. Looks great when completed.
My daughter loves this bed. It was pretty easy to assemble, I spent the evening in her room by myself doing it while listening to Audible. I recommend this bed.
Lots of scratches
Solid bed and good color. Received with lots of scratches. Packaging is not very well done and not really protective.
They arent very sturdy. Good for the price
Arrived damaged. They arent very sturdy. Good for the price, but I dont love them.
Sturdy, affordable and attractive
These beds were pretty easy to assemble and they are very sturdy. The wood is laminated, so it can be scratched / as every other laminated product can be. The ladder is pretty narrow for an adult going up. We found the ladder rungs to be too slippery and added some non skid tape to them. We took the tip from another review and bought bunkie boards for the beds so we have no worries at all about the wood slats breaking. Our nephews absolutely love them and we feel that they are safe on them.
My kids love it.
Sturdy and looks like the picture. Takes a while to put together but everything was in great shape when it arrived. I love that when my kids have their own room they can keep their beds.
If youre small or not the strongest person definitely better to assemble with two people
Hard to assemble. The screws that connect the sides to the head and the foot sometimes didnt go smoothly. If youre small or not the strongest person definitely better to assemble with two people. We put an 8 in mattress on the bottom and not enough room for a 55 person to sit up, so far not a horrible bed though. its okay and will do the job for the price.
Wonderful beds!
Faboulous bunk beds!! We purchased 2 sets and are extreamly happy with them. Very sturdy, great quality and beautiful color. They arent difficult to put together, but it does take some time. Highly recommenend!
Real wood affordable price
I was shocked to find this made of real wood at such a good price. Would definitely buy again.
Take your time and read the instructions
Good bunk bed fair price
Convert into 2
A bed for my kids until they leave the house.
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