The bed is sturdy. comfortable and beautiful. There is little to no sound when moving around on the top bunk bed or when someone goes up and down from the stairs. This is great especially when the person sleeping on the bottom bunk is a light sleeper. I do wish that there was a bit more height between the bottom and the top bed. It was pretty difficult for one person to assemble and took the good part of the day, but overall it was well worth the purchase.
My 5 year old and 3 year old love this bed. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. The one thing that did disappoint was the fact that it didnt come with anything to secure the drawers from being push all the way under the bed
Great quality product. Took 1.5 hour to assemble by 1 person. Instructions are clear.
Only issue is screwing at some places that had no markings. Rest all was fine.
I love the high quality of the bed its very sturdy .The directions could have been better they were very vague ,we basically had to guess where the screws went .
Definitely not sturdy enough on its own.
I bought some extra boards and also added some legs for support underneath.
(The is whats included in the bed purchase, the red is what I added.)
I bought this because it was the size and color I wanted. If I werent needing gray, Id probably have bought another bed that was more sturdy ok its own.
I felt like I needed to leave a review. I purchase cheaper furniture so my kids can be kids and not cost me an arm and a leg. This is real solid wood. Looks really nice, sturdier than a lot of frames we have had. Looks better in person, but a safe buy and seems like it will last.
Excellent quality, takes some time to assemble
The bed is sturdy. comfortable and beautiful. There is little to no sound when moving around on the top bunk bed or when someone goes up and down from the stairs. This is great especially when the person sleeping on the bottom bunk is a light sleeper. I do wish that there was a bit more height between the bottom and the top bed. It was pretty difficult for one person to assemble and took the good part of the day, but overall it was well worth the purchase.
Great little bed
My 5 year old and 3 year old love this bed. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. The one thing that did disappoint was the fact that it didnt come with anything to secure the drawers from being push all the way under the bed
Great quality product but assembly without electric screw driver is tough on hands
Great quality product. Took 1.5 hour to assemble by 1 person. Instructions are clear. Only issue is screwing at some places that had no markings. Rest all was fine.
High Quality Bed
I love the high quality of the bed its very sturdy .The directions could have been better they were very vague ,we basically had to guess where the screws went .
Beautiful and sturdy
Beautiful and study. Used to sleep our grandchildren aged 7 and 2.
Will buy another soon.
Very nice product . Well made and easy to assemble.
Theyre ok
Too , flimsy. Kids love them but in another 2 years theyre not going to work.
Definitely Needs More Support
Definitely not sturdy enough on its own. I bought some extra boards and also added some legs for support underneath. (The is whats included in the bed purchase, the red is what I added.) I bought this because it was the size and color I wanted. If I werent needing gray, Id probably have bought another bed that was more sturdy ok its own.
Sturdy, great for a kid.
Sturdy, directions were not great, looks good
I felt like I needed to leave a review. I purchase cheaper furniture so my kids can be kids and not cost me an arm and a leg. This is real solid wood. Looks really nice, sturdier than a lot of frames we have had. Looks better in person, but a safe buy and seems like it will last.
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