What a great product I was a little hesitant when I ordered it Ive never bought big items on before but once it came and I opened it and saw it I fell in love it was everything I was hoping for very easy to assemble clean lines the industrial and wood accents is beautiful I recommend coat rack 100 Good!!
Good quality for the price. They provided extra screws and bolts for assembly. The bench part is sturdy but the upper part wobbles a little bit and The screws were really hard to attach the hooks in the proper place. They stripped very easily and the hooks dont fasten as securely as I would like. Im concerned that hanging things from the hooks will cause them to fall off over time. Overall it looks good in the space and did not have any scratches . Not bad.
This was easy to assemble and stands sturdy with a lot of coats and scarfs hanging on it and without it being attached to the wall with the included hook. Good,
This was super easy to assemble. Took about 20min with a 9month as my build partner. There was one assembly step with the seat that would make the build quicker and easier. It was with the seat( assembled about a month ago) I believe they ask you to screw the bars into the bottom on the seat, then ask you put screws in the side legs. Do the side firsts because youre not going to be able to align the side legs if not. It works great! Thank you!
Put together in 15 minutes. Pretty sturdy. Looks great.
Only complaint one of the bolts to hold the seat rethreaded but as rest are tight kept as seat is held firm .good value for price. Simple and does the job.
This looks aming beside my front door and its extremely convenient having a bench to put my shoes on while also a place to hang my umbrella, jacket, baby bag and dog leashes. It feels super sturdy. The only thing is almost all of the screws it came with broke. I had to buy new ones from home depot just to put it together. Holds things.
Overall I am happy with this item and the directions were easy to follow, but I did have difficulty. Ive put together the majority of the furniture in my home (, wayfair, etc) but the screw holes here didnt always line up. 1 of the 4 securing the bench I just left out entirely after many attempts. I dont plan to sit on the bench anyway, so I think it will be ok. I dont have it secured to the wall, but I only plan to hang jackets on the hooks, no bags or heavy items. I will update if there are any issues there. Otherwise it is a nice looking piece. recommend!
I really like this coat tree, however the screws strip fairly easily. I nearly stripped several, and fully stripped one. I left it empty for now, but need to find a replacement. But it is good quality, and the wood hasnt yet and doesnt appear that it would peel off like a lot of cheaper, not real wood items tend to. I bought this for a furnished apartment we are renting, and I will purchase more in the future for additional units. Built strong.
The Most Beautiful Coat Rack
What a great product I was a little hesitant when I ordered it Ive never bought big items on before but once it came and I opened it and saw it I fell in love it was everything I was hoping for very easy to assemble clean lines the industrial and wood accents is beautiful I recommend coat rack 100 Good!!
Quality bench hooks are wobbly
Good quality for the price. They provided extra screws and bolts for assembly. The bench part is sturdy but the upper part wobbles a little bit and The screws were really hard to attach the hooks in the proper place. They stripped very easily and the hooks dont fasten as securely as I would like. Im concerned that hanging things from the hooks will cause them to fall off over time. Overall it looks good in the space and did not have any scratches . Not bad.
Well made and looks great
We are very happy with this item, it is very well made, it looks great, and it was easy to put together! Satisfied.
This was easy to assemble and stands sturdy with a lot of coats and scarfs hanging on it and without it being attached to the wall with the included hook. Good,
Super easy to assemble
This was super easy to assemble. Took about 20min with a 9month as my build partner. There was one assembly step with the seat that would make the build quicker and easier. It was with the seat( assembled about a month ago) I believe they ask you to screw the bars into the bottom on the seat, then ask you put screws in the side legs. Do the side firsts because youre not going to be able to align the side legs if not. It works great! Thank you!
Value for money
Put together in 15 minutes. Pretty sturdy. Looks great. Only complaint one of the bolts to hold the seat rethreaded but as rest are tight kept as seat is held firm .good value for price. Simple and does the job.
A few bad screws
This looks aming beside my front door and its extremely convenient having a bench to put my shoes on while also a place to hang my umbrella, jacket, baby bag and dog leashes. It feels super sturdy. The only thing is almost all of the screws it came with broke. I had to buy new ones from home depot just to put it together. Holds things.
Misaligned screw holes
Overall I am happy with this item and the directions were easy to follow, but I did have difficulty. Ive put together the majority of the furniture in my home (, wayfair, etc) but the screw holes here didnt always line up. 1 of the 4 securing the bench I just left out entirely after many attempts. I dont plan to sit on the bench anyway, so I think it will be ok. I dont have it secured to the wall, but I only plan to hang jackets on the hooks, no bags or heavy items. I will update if there are any issues there. Otherwise it is a nice looking piece. recommend!
Good quality for the money
I really like this coat tree, however the screws strip fairly easily. I nearly stripped several, and fully stripped one. I left it empty for now, but need to find a replacement. But it is good quality, and the wood hasnt yet and doesnt appear that it would peel off like a lot of cheaper, not real wood items tend to. I bought this for a furnished apartment we are renting, and I will purchase more in the future for additional units. Built strong.
Great for the price!
Easy to assemble, sturdy, great addition to our entryway. Worth it! She loves it.
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