This was really easy to assemble and looks great. Works perfectly to hang the kids backpacks on and store some shoes.
Fits great in our small entryway. Wow!! This was a great buy!!
Smaller than expected, directions were hard to interpret, and you almost needed power tools to put this together. After assembly it sits kind of awkward and not flush to the wall unless you strap it to the wall which I cant do due to living in an apartment unless I pay for the damaged walls after use. Hoping it doesnt topple over from one of my kids sitting on it, because it does sway forward if you put weight on the seat! Its OKbut the price should be a bit cheaper for the quality. Beautiful and Sturdy.
We love how it looks expensive, but isnt. We had a bench before that opened and could only hold about four pairs of shoes, this one holds at least eight. The jacket/purse/key hooks are a definite bonus. Works well.
Super easy to put together. Solid piece for the price. I use it to store my box of dog toys, purses, shoes, and I havent found it to be wobbly at all. Very happy with the product and think its a great product for the price. Good Product.
Love this coat/shoe rack! Its exactly the style I was going for and pretty decent quality. Cant go wrong for the price! Only thing is, if you are placing this on top of carpet, it WILL tilt. I do like that it comes with hardware to anchor it to the wall to prevent it tilting forward. Overall, YES YES YES I RECOMMEND! Also, very easy to assemble. Perfect.
This was really easy to assemble and looks great. Works perfectly to hang the kids backpacks on and store some shoes. Fits great in our small entryway. Wow!! This was a great buy!!
For the price of this hall tree, you really are getting a great little piece of furniture. It is sturdy and the assembly was not too difficult. cute.
Looks nice!
Easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. Does the job and looks good. Yes, Its great. loves it.
Love it
Fits perfectly in our space. Pretty easy to assemble. Like!
Cute tree hall for farmhouse style decorating, but a little flimsey!
Smaller than expected, directions were hard to interpret, and you almost needed power tools to put this together. After assembly it sits kind of awkward and not flush to the wall unless you strap it to the wall which I cant do due to living in an apartment unless I pay for the damaged walls after use. Hoping it doesnt topple over from one of my kids sitting on it, because it does sway forward if you put weight on the seat! Its OKbut the price should be a bit cheaper for the quality. Beautiful and Sturdy.
Love it but part of it came broke
Love it but came a little broke It works.
Very beautiful/adds decor and adds a lot of room to a small space!
We love how it looks expensive, but isnt. We had a bench before that opened and could only hold about four pairs of shoes, this one holds at least eight. The jacket/purse/key hooks are a definite bonus. Works well.
Highly recommend
Super easy to put together. Solid piece for the price. I use it to store my box of dog toys, purses, shoes, and I havent found it to be wobbly at all. Very happy with the product and think its a great product for the price. Good Product.
Love the product, but
Love this coat/shoe rack! Its exactly the style I was going for and pretty decent quality. Cant go wrong for the price! Only thing is, if you are placing this on top of carpet, it WILL tilt. I do like that it comes with hardware to anchor it to the wall to prevent it tilting forward. Overall, YES YES YES I RECOMMEND! Also, very easy to assemble. Perfect.
It is ok for the price
Not really sturdy Fast service.
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