Good quality for the price. They provided extra screws and bolts for assembly. The bench part is sturdy but the upper part wobbles a little bit and The screws were really hard to attach the hooks in the proper place. They stripped very easily and the hooks dont fasten as securely as I would like. Im concerned that hanging things from the hooks will cause them to fall off over time. Overall it looks good in the space and did not have any scratches . Not bad.
Quality bench hooks are wobbly
Good quality for the price. They provided extra screws and bolts for assembly. The bench part is sturdy but the upper part wobbles a little bit and The screws were really hard to attach the hooks in the proper place. They stripped very easily and the hooks dont fasten as securely as I would like. Im concerned that hanging things from the hooks will cause them to fall off over time. Overall it looks good in the space and did not have any scratches . Not bad.