Easy to assemble but with all 4 wheels unlocked it is still difficult to move around.
REVISED: the customer service department is excellent. They contacted me to see what could be done to make things right. Very impressed.
The top part wont stay on. Each time I swivel it the screws come out. Currently not happy.
The package arrived in several pieces. Not an easy assembly.
The company heard my concerns and fixed the problem. Thank you.
This little bedside desk is amazing. I bought it because Im physically disabled but just started college full time online. This desk has made it possible for me to easily use my laptop on zoom, but I can also easily clear it off to study textbooks or my art or chemistry projects. It fits a mouse pad, laptop, wrist rest and a coaster with a drink, without the added edges, which I left off of mine. Things dont easily roll off unless I tip it anyway, which takes some force, so its not wobbly, but is still easy to adjust. It does need to be out from the wall about a foot or so, so its at the right place to go over your lap, but I just took advantage of that extra gap and got a shelving unit and added some supplies organizers/bins/baskets to keep my supplies so I dont have to reach around the desk and into the front drawers to get my supplies. I really love this set up. The only thing it that you absolutely must have someone mechanically inclined put it together for you, the directions are awful.
Great customer service
Easy to assemble but with all 4 wheels unlocked it is still difficult to move around. REVISED: the customer service department is excellent. They contacted me to see what could be done to make things right. Very impressed.
Not good........UPDATE
The top part wont stay on. Each time I swivel it the screws come out. Currently not happy. The package arrived in several pieces. Not an easy assembly. The company heard my concerns and fixed the problem. Thank you.
Excelente Desk. Easy assembling.
Perfect for my son. Place to study and do his homeworks.
Love my little desk!
This little bedside desk is amazing. I bought it because Im physically disabled but just started college full time online. This desk has made it possible for me to easily use my laptop on zoom, but I can also easily clear it off to study textbooks or my art or chemistry projects. It fits a mouse pad, laptop, wrist rest and a coaster with a drink, without the added edges, which I left off of mine. Things dont easily roll off unless I tip it anyway, which takes some force, so its not wobbly, but is still easy to adjust. It does need to be out from the wall about a foot or so, so its at the right place to go over your lap, but I just took advantage of that extra gap and got a shelving unit and added some supplies organizers/bins/baskets to keep my supplies so I dont have to reach around the desk and into the front drawers to get my supplies. I really love this set up. The only thing it that you absolutely must have someone mechanically inclined put it together for you, the directions are awful.
Lots of pieces and very hard to assemble with the directions given..Very very cheaply made.
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