Took a couple of hours to assemble. The frustration level meant walking away from project more than once. Once put together though its usefulness and looks are well worth the time.
I love this table. It is sturdy and versatile in that the top goes up and swivels or can tilt. I have used it both ways. It took me 2 1/2 hours to assemble after I took everything out of the box and identified all the pieces. It was a little tedious but I was taking my time and making sure not to make an error and checked the photo on a couple times for reference. The table is very sturdy and looks good too.
Putting this thing together took me at least 3 1/2 hours. The small screw they gave you is super hard to use and it literally gave me calluses on my hand from using it. They also forgot to give some of the screws so I had to alternate when using them for different parts. Some of the pieces were chipped but I dont mind that much.
This was a gift from my husband. He was tired of seeing me struggle everyday to do school work on the sofa. We do not have room for a regular size desk right now so this was the perfect solution. It is very sturdy and has plenty of space. It was also very reasonably priced. I will be recommending to friends and family, I Love it !
I use mine for my art , as in placing materials on the swivel table and storage of materials in the draws.
Design Flaw Affecting Ergonomics Accessibility if being used Couch-Side (and Not Bedside)
Refer to video to see/hear thorough explanation of what Im referring to.
Annoying Assembly
Took a couple of hours to assemble. The frustration level meant walking away from project more than once. Once put together though its usefulness and looks are well worth the time.
very nice table
I love this table. It is sturdy and versatile in that the top goes up and swivels or can tilt. I have used it both ways. It took me 2 1/2 hours to assemble after I took everything out of the box and identified all the pieces. It was a little tedious but I was taking my time and making sure not to make an error and checked the photo on a couple times for reference. The table is very sturdy and looks good too.
Amazing packaging to protect item in shipping.
As most will know from reading reviews, not the easiest assembly, but sturdy when assembled.
It looks great but took so long to put together
Putting this thing together took me at least 3 1/2 hours. The small screw they gave you is super hard to use and it literally gave me calluses on my hand from using it. They also forgot to give some of the screws so I had to alternate when using them for different parts. Some of the pieces were chipped but I dont mind that much.
Perfect little desk!
This was a gift from my husband. He was tired of seeing me struggle everyday to do school work on the sofa. We do not have room for a regular size desk right now so this was the perfect solution. It is very sturdy and has plenty of space. It was also very reasonably priced. I will be recommending to friends and family, I Love it !
Great little Table
Great little Table! The only issue is you cannot reverse the drawers to fit the other side.
Great value for the money
I use this as a side table in my living room. I love the drawers for storage and the top laptop table that swings back and forth. Good sturdy product.
Just what I needed
This unit is the solution to prevent my laptop from falling off the arm of my recliner.
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