It is ok. The flimsy screws to attach the coat hooks snapped off, leaving the stem in the crossbar. I contacted the seller, who said the screws had been upgraded, and we would be receiving a different set with a new crossbar. Loss of a star for not including the upgraded screws to begin with. Other than that, it looks nice and is decent for the price. It was a nice alternative for a college kids room, who wont otherwise hang up his jackets or put shoes in a closet.
I would buy again! Very sturdy! Kinda lopsided but they prepared for that and its mostly our houses leveling but they give you things to stick to the bottom to level it out! It is lighter than I thought in color, but perfect for what we needed.
Overpriced a bit. Always needed a hall tree, but couldnt afford base price 200/300. This seemed pretty light, maybe even too little for my needs. It turns out to be great and sturdy. We put coats, shoes, everything on this and it can handle it. Easy to put together and looks great in our small hallway.
One of my best buys. Easy to assemble, sturdy enough and decent size.
4 stars because the instructions have the notch for the legs facing forward, so when I had it halfway done I noticed and took it apart to correct, only to realize it was just a simple mistake in the instructions.
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. I am extremely happy with this purchase. It was very easy to put together (did it myself) and looks great. Love, love, love, the Allen wrench with the handle (included)! Its a great size for my entryway and is sturdy.
Simple and easy to put together. This wall tree was a breeze to assemble. Very simple instructions and did not have to spend much time to have it up and ready to utilize. It looks really nice in our entryway and I appreciate the low set of coat hooks for our two Elementary age sons.
Verify you got the right screws!
It is ok. The flimsy screws to attach the coat hooks snapped off, leaving the stem in the crossbar. I contacted the seller, who said the screws had been upgraded, and we would be receiving a different set with a new crossbar. Loss of a star for not including the upgraded screws to begin with. Other than that, it looks nice and is decent for the price. It was a nice alternative for a college kids room, who wont otherwise hang up his jackets or put shoes in a closet.
A little wobbly
I would buy again! Very sturdy! Kinda lopsided but they prepared for that and its mostly our houses leveling but they give you things to stick to the bottom to level it out! It is lighter than I thought in color, but perfect for what we needed.
Good buy!
Nice size. I love this thing ! It was exactly what I needed for extra storage . I put it together by myself. The is pretty sturdy I was impressed .
Easy to Install
Overpriced a bit. Always needed a hall tree, but couldnt afford base price 200/300. This seemed pretty light, maybe even too little for my needs. It turns out to be great and sturdy. We put coats, shoes, everything on this and it can handle it. Easy to put together and looks great in our small hallway.
As expected
One of my best buys. Easy to assemble, sturdy enough and decent size. 4 stars because the instructions have the notch for the legs facing forward, so when I had it halfway done I noticed and took it apart to correct, only to realize it was just a simple mistake in the instructions.
Good purchase
Quick ship. Easy to assemble and helped get things tidy
Perfect for my small entryway
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. I am extremely happy with this purchase. It was very easy to put together (did it myself) and looks great. Love, love, love, the Allen wrench with the handle (included)! Its a great size for my entryway and is sturdy.
Great for small space.
Sturdy. Easy to assemble, when you had the safety anchor, will not move. I wrapped it around twice to make a tight anchor. Holds 6 pairs of shoes.
Exactly as advertised
Worth it!!! We really like it
Functional and visibly appealing.
Simple and easy to put together. This wall tree was a breeze to assemble. Very simple instructions and did not have to spend much time to have it up and ready to utilize. It looks really nice in our entryway and I appreciate the low set of coat hooks for our two Elementary age sons.
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