It is ok. The flimsy screws to attach the coat hooks snapped off, leaving the stem in the crossbar. I contacted the seller, who said the screws had been upgraded, and we would be receiving a different set with a new crossbar. Loss of a star for not including the upgraded screws to begin with. Other than that, it looks nice and is decent for the price. It was a nice alternative for a college kids room, who wont otherwise hang up his jackets or put shoes in a closet.
Verify you got the right screws!
It is ok. The flimsy screws to attach the coat hooks snapped off, leaving the stem in the crossbar. I contacted the seller, who said the screws had been upgraded, and we would be receiving a different set with a new crossbar. Loss of a star for not including the upgraded screws to begin with. Other than that, it looks nice and is decent for the price. It was a nice alternative for a college kids room, who wont otherwise hang up his jackets or put shoes in a closet.