Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. This little coat rack is simply great! It went together quickly and easily, and has room for at least 6 pairs of shoes at the bottom. I use it to hold various ball caps, and my dogs harness, leash, a couple of his coats, and his poo bags. Its not very big, but does act as a sort of screen to my recliner. The bonus to me is that it also comes with a small nylon strap that you can anchor into the wall to help with stability. Highly recommend this to anyone looking for an entryway coat rack.
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Very easy to assemble. I was impressed that the company sends a screw driver! Fits well in a small space and looks nice.
Love it. This piece is well made and easy to assemble. Perfect for my need
Nice size for smaller space
I like it. Easy to put together and fits in my entry way perfect. Really cleaned up the shoe and coat mess.
Sturdy and great
Would definitely buy again. This company knows what theyre doing.
thanks. Holes all aligned well. Including a magnetic Phillips head screwdriver for the numerous screws was aming. Packaged to protect. Good choice!
Love this!
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. This little coat rack is simply great! It went together quickly and easily, and has room for at least 6 pairs of shoes at the bottom. I use it to hold various ball caps, and my dogs harness, leash, a couple of his coats, and his poo bags. Its not very big, but does act as a sort of screen to my recliner. The bonus to me is that it also comes with a small nylon strap that you can anchor into the wall to help with stability. Highly recommend this to anyone looking for an entryway coat rack.
Almost Perfect
Good deal and was easy to put together. One of the pre/drilled holes was off centered
A bit worried of how long it will last
One of the dowels split when screwing together. Added glue. Hope it holds. Looks lovely. Sturdy for light items.
Great unit
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Very easy to assemble. I was impressed that the company sends a screw driver! Fits well in a small space and looks nice.
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