I purchased this bed for my 4 year old who was getting to big for his toddler bed. It is a tall bed I did purchase a side rail because my son is a mover when he sleeps. It is a sturdy bed and it has a lot of putting together but if you follow the directions its pretty easy it just takes a bit of time to do because it come in many pieces.
Just assembled this bed for my son. It was super easy to put together and looks great. The drawers fit all my sons clothes which is great because that is the main reason why I ordered this bed. Drawers slide in and out nicely and seem to hold up well. I would definitely recommend it!
This product is great for the price. Very sturdy and looks nice. There were some scratches to the wood but nothing noticeable enough to complain officially. The assembly part was torture. Almost gave up several time but it was worth it. Instructions needed to be more specific.
This bed is absolutely perfect for our toddler moving up to his first twin sized bed, as its fairly low to the ground. Its sturdy enough for a kid or an adult. The drawers slide easily in and out. I was worried buying furniture like this online but I am very impressed with the quality of this bed.
We did have an issue with shipping, where one of the boxes got lost in transit then FedEx let it sit for 2 days in a warehouse. The seller did give a credit on the shipping costs after an email inquiry, even though it wasn't their fault. All in all, I would definitely recommend this bed and seller!
This bed was easy to put together and is VERY sturdy. The finish is beautiful! My ten year old son absolutely LOVES this bed. I would highly recommend this bed for the price.
Awesome beds. Worked out great for my boys room. Great for small space when you need a lot of storage. Fairly easy to put together, but would definitely need two people to do so just because some pieces need to be held while the other person pushes it together and screws it in.
The frame was very easy to put together. I was able to assemble it by myself. However the drawers were a pain to put together and honestly weren't the best quality once I finally did get the drawers put together. Could be user error but I'm not a rookie to putting together furniture.
good bed
I purchased this bed for my 4 year old who was getting to big for his toddler bed. It is a tall bed I did purchase a side rail because my son is a mover when he sleeps. It is a sturdy bed and it has a lot of putting together but if you follow the directions its pretty easy it just takes a bit of time to do because it come in many pieces.
Easy and well-made!
Just assembled this bed for my son. It was super easy to put together and looks great. The drawers fit all my sons clothes which is great because that is the main reason why I ordered this bed. Drawers slide in and out nicely and seem to hold up well. I would definitely recommend it!
A pain to put together but worth it.
This product is great for the price. Very sturdy and looks nice. There were some scratches to the wood but nothing noticeable enough to complain officially. The assembly part was torture. Almost gave up several time but it was worth it. Instructions needed to be more specific.
Great Bed & Great Customer Service
This bed is absolutely perfect for our toddler moving up to his first twin sized bed, as its fairly low to the ground. Its sturdy enough for a kid or an adult. The drawers slide easily in and out. I was worried buying furniture like this online but I am very impressed with the quality of this bed. We did have an issue with shipping, where one of the boxes got lost in transit then FedEx let it sit for 2 days in a warehouse. The seller did give a credit on the shipping costs after an email inquiry, even though it wasn't their fault. All in all, I would definitely recommend this bed and seller!
This bed was easy to put together and is VERY sturdy. The finish is beautiful! My ten year old son absolutely LOVES this bed. I would highly recommend this bed for the price.
Looks good, great price!!!
Awesome beds. Worked out great for my boys room. Great for small space when you need a lot of storage. Fairly easy to put together, but would definitely need two people to do so just because some pieces need to be held while the other person pushes it together and screws it in.
Excelente producto alta calidad
Nice bed. Difficult drawers.
The frame was very easy to put together. I was able to assemble it by myself. However the drawers were a pain to put together and honestly weren't the best quality once I finally did get the drawers put together. Could be user error but I'm not a rookie to putting together furniture.
Love it
Bed took About 2 hours to build because of the drawers. Besides that bed is awesome.
Beautiful bed.
Product is exactly as described. Totally satisfied.
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