This bed is absolutely perfect for our toddler moving up to his first twin sized bed, as its fairly low to the ground. Its sturdy enough for a kid or an adult. The drawers slide easily in and out. I was worried buying furniture like this online but I am very impressed with the quality of this bed.
We did have an issue with shipping, where one of the boxes got lost in transit then FedEx let it sit for 2 days in a warehouse. The seller did give a credit on the shipping costs after an email inquiry, even though it wasn't their fault. All in all, I would definitely recommend this bed and seller!
Great Bed & Great Customer Service
This bed is absolutely perfect for our toddler moving up to his first twin sized bed, as its fairly low to the ground. Its sturdy enough for a kid or an adult. The drawers slide easily in and out. I was worried buying furniture like this online but I am very impressed with the quality of this bed. We did have an issue with shipping, where one of the boxes got lost in transit then FedEx let it sit for 2 days in a warehouse. The seller did give a credit on the shipping costs after an email inquiry, even though it wasn't their fault. All in all, I would definitely recommend this bed and seller!