Great purchase! It is super sturdy and exactly what we were looking for. Assembly was difficult as nothing was labeled properly and we had to figure it out, the bolts/screws for the top pieces were super super difficult to put in and I hope we never have to remove them. But after assembly, its a great piece.
Really nice bed. You will need a box spring though. The bed doesnt have a lip to hold the box spring in place. We took out the bars and bought a foldout medal free standing box spring
Installation for this beauty was wayyyy worth it. Darn thing looked so great, I bought another one (Queen/Black). Its sturdy, poles doesnt look cheap and my 10yr old daughter loves it.
Look a good but not great
Excellent value!
Beautiful bed, sturdy, arrived on time!
Beautiful and sturdy. It is an off white color or rather an eggshell so if you want a white bed just be aware it is not very white.
Its very beautiful
The bed is very nice but every time I get on it it squeaks.
Its worth the money
I have had it over a year and its sri working perfectly
Nice bed frame!
Great bed frame! Easy to assemble and looks nice!
Great buy but difficult assembly
Great purchase! It is super sturdy and exactly what we were looking for. Assembly was difficult as nothing was labeled properly and we had to figure it out, the bolts/screws for the top pieces were super super difficult to put in and I hope we never have to remove them. But after assembly, its a great piece.
Cute but tricky to find a box spring to fit
Really nice bed. You will need a box spring though. The bed doesnt have a lip to hold the box spring in place. We took out the bars and bought a foldout medal free standing box spring
So great, I bought another one!
Installation for this beauty was wayyyy worth it. Darn thing looked so great, I bought another one (Queen/Black). Its sturdy, poles doesnt look cheap and my 10yr old daughter loves it.
Finish is not the best
Was A bit scratched up
Nice product but a couple small issues
Nice product, but lousy packaging. Parts were scratched up. Also instructions were confusing and backwards.
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