The box was smaller than I expected, but no worries. It was easy enough to assemble although it did take two people-- not for weight, just because you need to hold on to more than one thing. But, all the holes lined up and all the hardware was there, and overall its a perfectly fine bed, considering the cost. My son has a Privacy Pop so we needed a bed that provided some structured to support that, and this works fine. My only concern is that if/when we need to take it apart, that might be difficult and we might not be able to re-assemble it afterwards.
I was kind of upset with this company when I realized that only my headboards shipped but the rest came the next day. Bed was easy to assemble and did not take long at all. Very sturdy bed, overall I love it.
This queen frame is an amazing deal at 150! Its stylish and sturdy. My husband put it together on his own and said it was a challenge, but it looks awesome now that its complete. My kiddo loves it.
Great purchase!
Great deal made great would definitely recommend!!!
I love it so much, easy to put together and looks magical!
Queen is small
I ended up returning this item, it looks like a twin or full size bed and I got a queen. Its beautiful but tiny. Go for the king if you have room.
Good value for the money
The box was smaller than I expected, but no worries. It was easy enough to assemble although it did take two people-- not for weight, just because you need to hold on to more than one thing. But, all the holes lined up and all the hardware was there, and overall its a perfectly fine bed, considering the cost. My son has a Privacy Pop so we needed a bed that provided some structured to support that, and this works fine. My only concern is that if/when we need to take it apart, that might be difficult and we might not be able to re-assemble it afterwards.
Great buy
Exactly what I expected!
Steady frame
The frame is great Although they sent me a white frame and black railings I guess a human mistake I still appreciate the quality
Great bed!
I was kind of upset with this company when I realized that only my headboards shipped but the rest came the next day. Bed was easy to assemble and did not take long at all. Very sturdy bed, overall I love it.
Expensive look
Very great bed and looks better than the pictures
Instructions are for *******
Easy to install I got turned around on some pieces but very easy to take apart and resemble multiple times!
Great bed frame!
This queen frame is an amazing deal at 150! Its stylish and sturdy. My husband put it together on his own and said it was a challenge, but it looks awesome now that its complete. My kiddo loves it.
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