Ordered the twin size for my 10 year old. She loves it. Its sturdy and she likes the color. I do wish the screws werent silver since the frame is gold but oh well, it is what it is. I put it together myself in about 1.5 hours. My husband was available to help but he doesnt read instructions and this frame is not the type where you can just eyeball it and know what youre doing. The instructions are def necessary!! So with (proper) help it probably would have taken 45 mins.
This bed frame is perfect! It was easy to assemble and it holds my boyfriend and I well without and noises or movement. Its an elegant touch and I love it!!!!. I just wish it was higher off the ground without having to use a box spring, but thats strictly preference.
These look great!!!! for a canopy bed. Theyre stylish sheer and relatively straight forward to set up. However, the price is a bit high and Ive had several loose threads that are annoying and lead me to believe theyre fraying in some areas.
I got 2 for my girls. For the price and easiness to put together, I love it!!!!. However my son came by and decided to use it as a jungle gym, causing one if the metal rods to bend. Other than that, totally worth it.
I love these sheer canopy curtains for the price!! We have a custom bed canopy that my fiances Dad made and they still fit perfect. Theyre a little long, but I dont mind them laying on the ground a little around the bed. Arrived on time. Definitely recommend ironing or steaming these before they go up to get the wrinkles out and let them lay totally flat. Im totally happy and would absolutely buy again
It was exactly what I wanted. We updated the bed for christmas and I am so glad I went with this.
Love it!
Ordered the twin size for my 10 year old. She loves it. Its sturdy and she likes the color. I do wish the screws werent silver since the frame is gold but oh well, it is what it is. I put it together myself in about 1.5 hours. My husband was available to help but he doesnt read instructions and this frame is not the type where you can just eyeball it and know what youre doing. The instructions are def necessary!! So with (proper) help it probably would have taken 45 mins.
Worth the money
I got this bed for my 16 year old daughter. She loves it! She personalized it with her own touch as you can see it picture.
Beautiful Bed
Absolutely beautiful for the $money$. This was a gift to our daughter for her apartment. It really elevates the space.
Great choice
It wasnt I expected. But good!!!!! Sweet and comfy
Ok. Kinda overpriced
Its ok. I want to paint black. perfect!!!
Love It!
This bed frame is perfect! It was easy to assemble and it holds my boyfriend and I well without and noises or movement. Its an elegant touch and I love it!!!!. I just wish it was higher off the ground without having to use a box spring, but thats strictly preference.
Generally pretty, but expensive and some fraying.
These look great!!!! for a canopy bed. Theyre stylish sheer and relatively straight forward to set up. However, the price is a bit high and Ive had several loose threads that are annoying and lead me to believe theyre fraying in some areas.
Great for kids room.
I got 2 for my girls. For the price and easiness to put together, I love it!!!!. However my son came by and decided to use it as a jungle gym, causing one if the metal rods to bend. Other than that, totally worth it.
Worth it!
I love these sheer canopy curtains for the price!! We have a custom bed canopy that my fiances Dad made and they still fit perfect. Theyre a little long, but I dont mind them laying on the ground a little around the bed. Arrived on time. Definitely recommend ironing or steaming these before they go up to get the wrinkles out and let them lay totally flat. Im totally happy and would absolutely buy again
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