Ordered the twin size for my 10 year old. She loves it. Its sturdy and she likes the color. I do wish the screws werent silver since the frame is gold but oh well, it is what it is. I put it together myself in about 1.5 hours. My husband was available to help but he doesnt read instructions and this frame is not the type where you can just eyeball it and know what youre doing. The instructions are def necessary!! So with (proper) help it probably would have taken 45 mins.
Love it!
Ordered the twin size for my 10 year old. She loves it. Its sturdy and she likes the color. I do wish the screws werent silver since the frame is gold but oh well, it is what it is. I put it together myself in about 1.5 hours. My husband was available to help but he doesnt read instructions and this frame is not the type where you can just eyeball it and know what youre doing. The instructions are def necessary!! So with (proper) help it probably would have taken 45 mins.