They were pretty easy to assemble. Im slow, so it probably took me an hour or so to put them together. They feel sturdy and are comfortable to sit on. They fit perfectly for my counter island. Definitely would recommend. I bought the grey and it is a lovely stool. Good luck! Oh, make sure you put the cushion with the design on the outside. The first one I put together, I didnt do it correctly and it was a pain to unscrew the cushion and fix it. Like I said, Im slow.?
I dislike that the seats are not sturdy they wobble even when seats at assembled correctly. I like th softness and hight of the seats and it was easy to assemble.
I bought 2 of these and then bought 2 more. They are easy to assemble and are very sturdy. I like that the material on top is easy to clean. I am really happy with these.
These are way better looking and easier to assemble than I could have imagined.
I was set on the typical round swivel type bar stool - So glad I tried these !
Sturdy and Perfect color
I Love these chairs! The color is perfect. They seem so strong and they came fast!
Love my new counter stools
They were pretty easy to assemble. Im slow, so it probably took me an hour or so to put them together. They feel sturdy and are comfortable to sit on. They fit perfectly for my counter island. Definitely would recommend. I bought the grey and it is a lovely stool. Good luck! Oh, make sure you put the cushion with the design on the outside. The first one I put together, I didnt do it correctly and it was a pain to unscrew the cushion and fix it. Like I said, Im slow.?
Seats not sturdiness
I dislike that the seats are not sturdy they wobble even when seats at assembled correctly. I like th softness and hight of the seats and it was easy to assemble.
Very nice!
Easy to assemble, sturdy and attractive. I would definitely recommend.
Best Bar Stool!
So comfortable! Sat for 3 hours working on a puzzle. Still comfortable!
Great stools!
I bought 2 of these and then bought 2 more. They are easy to assemble and are very sturdy. I like that the material on top is easy to clean. I am really happy with these.
Great guilty for price!
Very easy to assemble. Stylish semi industrial modern look. Great space savor. Super price!
Work great for apartment island counter
Good height, color cushion seat relatively soft
Sturdy. Well made.
Put together easily. The cushion fabric has a chic look to it and cleans easily. The footrest make it very comfortable to sit at
So easy to put to together AND comfortable
These are way better looking and easier to assemble than I could have imagined. I was set on the typical round swivel type bar stool - So glad I tried these !
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