They were pretty easy to assemble. Im slow, so it probably took me an hour or so to put them together. They feel sturdy and are comfortable to sit on. They fit perfectly for my counter island. Definitely would recommend. I bought the grey and it is a lovely stool. Good luck! Oh, make sure you put the cushion with the design on the outside. The first one I put together, I didnt do it correctly and it was a pain to unscrew the cushion and fix it. Like I said, Im slow.?
Love my new counter stools
They were pretty easy to assemble. Im slow, so it probably took me an hour or so to put them together. They feel sturdy and are comfortable to sit on. They fit perfectly for my counter island. Definitely would recommend. I bought the grey and it is a lovely stool. Good luck! Oh, make sure you put the cushion with the design on the outside. The first one I put together, I didnt do it correctly and it was a pain to unscrew the cushion and fix it. Like I said, Im slow.?