Love the look. My husband and I are tall so this ended up working best for one of our children who is smaller in stature (51). The back is too upright making it a bit rigid but is high to support your head if you are tall. The seat has a comfortable contour. Very sturdy and heavy. The arm rails are rounded which feels nice under your hands. It rocks well and pretty fluidly without feeling it will flip. The material seems very durable with no upkeep needed. Easy to assemble.
This is exactly what I was looking for, very comfortable and I didnt have to wait weeks to get it. Waiting for spring to happen here in Wisconsin so I can enjoy my rocker.
These were fairly easy to assemble. Im a 49/year/old woman, decently good at putting things together, and I assembled two of these by myself. The first one took about 25 minutes, the second one was done in 15 minutes. End product is very solid and good/looking. The seats could use a cushion and a back pillow, but thats easy enough to add!
This product is great! Once its assembled. Putting this together will go down as one of my top 5 greatest assembly challenges. Every single screw hole on both chairs and the table we ordered was misaligned, not so bad I had to redrill them, just enough to cause a lot of awkward angles and tough screwing. Every cut out that the pieces of the chairs were supposed to fit in were also misaligned to the point I had put every ounce of strength I had into pushing them just enough that I could mallet them in and hope to get the screw in before it popped itself out. Lastly, every screw hole seemed about 1 size too small so they were almost impossible to get tight for someone who has the early signs of carpal tunnel.
That said, once I finally got done with the 2 hour struggle that was putting the first chair together, they were comfortable, good looking, and seemed sturdy as heck, so at least the effort was worth it in the end!
Not for larger people.
Not comfortable for larger people.
Back is pretty upright and seat depth is not enough
Love the look. My husband and I are tall so this ended up working best for one of our children who is smaller in stature (51). The back is too upright making it a bit rigid but is high to support your head if you are tall. The seat has a comfortable contour. Very sturdy and heavy. The arm rails are rounded which feels nice under your hands. It rocks well and pretty fluidly without feeling it will flip. The material seems very durable with no upkeep needed. Easy to assemble.
Love my rocker!
This is exactly what I was looking for, very comfortable and I didnt have to wait weeks to get it. Waiting for spring to happen here in Wisconsin so I can enjoy my rocker.
No painting required
Look nice on front porch
Beautiful Rocking Chairs
These rocking chairs exceed my expectations. They are extremely sturdy, very comfortable and look beautiful on my front porch.
Worth the price!
I debated on whether or not it was worth the price. It is. Super easy to put together, and very comfortable!
Great rockers
These were fairly easy to assemble. Im a 49/year/old woman, decently good at putting things together, and I assembled two of these by myself. The first one took about 25 minutes, the second one was done in 15 minutes. End product is very solid and good/looking. The seats could use a cushion and a back pillow, but thats easy enough to add!
is a fantastic product. Never disappoints
Solid product, assembly is equivalent to a labor of Hercules
This product is great! Once its assembled. Putting this together will go down as one of my top 5 greatest assembly challenges. Every single screw hole on both chairs and the table we ordered was misaligned, not so bad I had to redrill them, just enough to cause a lot of awkward angles and tough screwing. Every cut out that the pieces of the chairs were supposed to fit in were also misaligned to the point I had put every ounce of strength I had into pushing them just enough that I could mallet them in and hope to get the screw in before it popped itself out. Lastly, every screw hole seemed about 1 size too small so they were almost impossible to get tight for someone who has the early signs of carpal tunnel. That said, once I finally got done with the 2 hour struggle that was putting the first chair together, they were comfortable, good looking, and seemed sturdy as heck, so at least the effort was worth it in the end!
Well made chairs
This chairs are well made and very comfortable.
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