Back is pretty upright and seat depth is not enough
Love the look. My husband and I are tall so this ended up working best for one of our children who is smaller in stature (51). The back is too upright making it a bit rigid but is high to support your head if you are tall. The seat has a comfortable contour. Very sturdy and heavy. The arm rails are rounded which feels nice under your hands. It rocks well and pretty fluidly without feeling it will flip. The material seems very durable with no upkeep needed. Easy to assemble.
Back is pretty upright and seat depth is not enough
Love the look. My husband and I are tall so this ended up working best for one of our children who is smaller in stature (51). The back is too upright making it a bit rigid but is high to support your head if you are tall. The seat has a comfortable contour. Very sturdy and heavy. The arm rails are rounded which feels nice under your hands. It rocks well and pretty fluidly without feeling it will flip. The material seems very durable with no upkeep needed. Easy to assemble.