Slight difficulty assembling product. Once past that obstacle, this is definitely worth the money, looks great and is very functional for small room or guest area.
Great bed for my toddler and his future guests. It was easy to assemble with 2 people. 1 person could do it, but itd take a bit longer. Instructions are only pictures, that adds to the length of time it takes to build.
Satisfied, looks good, comfort will depend on mattress chosen for it.
2 complaints, 1. the instructions are in pictures only, no text and quite hard to figure out (I consider myself very handy and think your average home owner would have great difficulty assembling it) 2. I purchased and 8 mattress for both sections and found that the bottow draw just makes it sliding under the top ie. no room to have the bed made and ready for use upon pull out.
Took me about two hours to put together by myself. The directions arent perfectly clear so it takes a little common sense to build it. Great purchase for the price! We love it!
very sturdy Extremely happy!!
for the money I was pleasantly surprised how sturdy this bed is. I assembled it easily and the Trundle works very well. all in all a great buy
Great find!
Love it!
Great for small spaces or guest rooms!!
Slight difficulty assembling product. Once past that obstacle, this is definitely worth the money, looks great and is very functional for small room or guest area.
Great purchase Excellent buy!
Great bed for my toddler and his future guests. It was easy to assemble with 2 people. 1 person could do it, but itd take a bit longer. Instructions are only pictures, that adds to the length of time it takes to build.
Great value kids bed
It was easy to put together and sturdy. We had plywood cut at Home Depot to cover the slats on the trundle
Great bed! Chic
Very impressed with this bed. Excellent quality. Easy to build. Great product especially for the cost!
Nice bed Very comfortable.
This is overall a nice product. Its complicated to put together. Also, a bit over priced.
Great all the way around
I had to have someone help.
Replaced bunk beds in childrens room.
Satisfied, looks good, comfort will depend on mattress chosen for it. 2 complaints, 1. the instructions are in pictures only, no text and quite hard to figure out (I consider myself very handy and think your average home owner would have great difficulty assembling it) 2. I purchased and 8 mattress for both sections and found that the bottow draw just makes it sliding under the top ie. no room to have the bed made and ready for use upon pull out.
My 4 year old son loves it
Took me about two hours to put together by myself. The directions arent perfectly clear so it takes a little common sense to build it. Great purchase for the price! We love it!
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