It is sturdy and strong. it looks wonderful in our bedroom. There is a small gap in the headboard. It still looks nice and if you dont look to hard it is barely noticeable. My husband sometimes puts things together as he sees fit. So I gave the bed frame slightly less than a perfect score. Industry has to be able to design their products to outsmart the people who put their products together at home. I fully recommend buying it.
This bed was a great value. A little hard to get out of the box, but extremely easy to assemble. Took me about 20 minutes to assemble with easy to read instructions. It is a little shorter than I expected but I actually have grown to like the low profile look it gives. The build quality is extremely good and the bed is very comfortable especially if you get the mattress made by the same company. 10/10 would buy again.
Although I didnt like the color, this bed is well/made and very sturdy. I reached out to to return it and this review is based only on the customer service I received from . The representative (Jeanine) was extremely helpful and knowledgeable and recommended several options. She was an absolute pleasure to speak with and very kind. The seller was flexible and made it an easy return.
Bed is solid wood and metal. Very sturdy. Easy to assemble, no power tools needed. All hardware and tools needed for assembly came with it. Do not over tighten. It took me about an hour and a half to assemble by myself, but I was not going n a hurry. It has illustrated instructions for assembly as well as a video, but I never used the video.
Very easy to put together and nice looking piece. Definitely cant use a box spring with this one though as it just slides around and the metal bar sticks up a bit in the middle which doesnt help but isnt noticeable with just a regular mattress on top.
11 steps to put together comes with everything you need! Every tool and bolt! Also comes with a package of spare parts absolutely love this brand and will be adding to the set!
My husband put the bed together
It is sturdy and strong. it looks wonderful in our bedroom. There is a small gap in the headboard. It still looks nice and if you dont look to hard it is barely noticeable. My husband sometimes puts things together as he sees fit. So I gave the bed frame slightly less than a perfect score. Industry has to be able to design their products to outsmart the people who put their products together at home. I fully recommend buying it.
Nice and low
I hired someone to put it together. Its heavy. Its low so making the bed is a bit quirky. But when my dog kicks me out of bed I dont have far to fall
Simple, Stylish, Quality
This bed was a great value. A little hard to get out of the box, but extremely easy to assemble. Took me about 20 minutes to assemble with easy to read instructions. It is a little shorter than I expected but I actually have grown to like the low profile look it gives. The build quality is extremely good and the bed is very comfortable especially if you get the mattress made by the same company. 10/10 would buy again.
Nice bed but need two people for assembly
Overall a great bed
Nice Bed, but color is off
Although I didnt like the color, this bed is well/made and very sturdy. I reached out to to return it and this review is based only on the customer service I received from . The representative (Jeanine) was extremely helpful and knowledgeable and recommended several options. She was an absolute pleasure to speak with and very kind. The seller was flexible and made it an easy return.
Simple set up and beautiful!
Super easy to assemble. It looks beautiful! Decent quality too.
Solid wood and metal. Sturdy. Easy to Assemble
Bed is solid wood and metal. Very sturdy. Easy to assemble, no power tools needed. All hardware and tools needed for assembly came with it. Do not over tighten. It took me about an hour and a half to assemble by myself, but I was not going n a hurry. It has illustrated instructions for assembly as well as a video, but I never used the video.
Decent frame for the price
Very easy to put together and nice looking piece. Definitely cant use a box spring with this one though as it just slides around and the metal bar sticks up a bit in the middle which doesnt help but isnt noticeable with just a regular mattress on top.
Love this bed frame
This bed frame is great. Easy and quick to assemble, looks great.
Sturdy And affordable
11 steps to put together comes with everything you need! Every tool and bolt! Also comes with a package of spare parts absolutely love this brand and will be adding to the set!
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