Very sturdy and fairly easy to put together. It does not make any sound while laying on it which is exactly what we were looking for. A little bit lower that I expected and wish the head board was a little taller but is a very nice platform.
Easy to assemble by two people, one person will have much more work, anyway it is easy to assemble and the basic and necessary tools to assemble it are included. The bed is very nice and sturdy, it has only a few days of use and so far everything has gone very well, I liked it very much, I totally recommend it.
Its a nice bed, really sturdy. Pretty easy to put together. My only real issue is there is a good inch or so extra on the side where the mattress fits into.
My son needed a new bed frame recently and I came across this one on sale for a great price. I didnt expect much for what we paid, but I am happy to say I was wrong. The bed is all steel/metal except for a small part on the head and footboards. It is super sturdy and quiet. It took my husband 30 minutes to put together and is light weight and easy to move. Decent room under the bed for. Storage totes.
Very easy to put together and I am very not smart so yay. After a awhile it started to creek whenever we got in it but Im a little heavier so could be my own fault just need to tighten the screws perhaps, the wood panels are a bit smaller than they look in the picture but its still a cute bed frame to have!
We really like this bedframe however, the headboard is much shorter than we anticipated. You can barely see it with the pillows on the bed. We may end up mounting it on the wall so it will be taller.
Nice bed
Alex did great job with delivery. Good bed for money
It was a perfect bed for my son
I loved the product easy to put together and very sturdy for a 10 year old boy
Very sturdy and fairly easy to put together. It does not make any sound while laying on it which is exactly what we were looking for. A little bit lower that I expected and wish the head board was a little taller but is a very nice platform.
Beautiful and sturdy bed
Easy to assemble by two people, one person will have much more work, anyway it is easy to assemble and the basic and necessary tools to assemble it are included. The bed is very nice and sturdy, it has only a few days of use and so far everything has gone very well, I liked it very much, I totally recommend it.
the only aggravating thing is the nothing is labeled right. at all. so thanks.
Looks nice a bit bigger than twin mattress
Its a nice bed, really sturdy. Pretty easy to put together. My only real issue is there is a good inch or so extra on the side where the mattress fits into.
Perfect simple bed for kids
My son needed a new bed frame recently and I came across this one on sale for a great price. I didnt expect much for what we paid, but I am happy to say I was wrong. The bed is all steel/metal except for a small part on the head and footboards. It is super sturdy and quiet. It took my husband 30 minutes to put together and is light weight and easy to move. Decent room under the bed for. Storage totes.
Good value, wood frame squares a bit small
Very easy to put together and I am very not smart so yay. After a awhile it started to creek whenever we got in it but Im a little heavier so could be my own fault just need to tighten the screws perhaps, the wood panels are a bit smaller than they look in the picture but its still a cute bed frame to have!
Worth the money
I purchased the frame for my son because it was affordable and would supposed his memory foam mattress. He loves it
We really like this bedframe however, the headboard is much shorter than we anticipated. You can barely see it with the pillows on the bed. We may end up mounting it on the wall so it will be taller.
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