Super easy to assemble, and the process was done in 30 minutes. Pieces were perfectly packed and in good order. The value way exceeds the cost / high end for a great price. IKEA could learn something from the people, better products, better packing, better design.
Great overall bed from how it was packed to quality of the materials and ease of assembly. Would definitely choose the same brand if need to buy again in the future.
This took less than 1.5 hours to assemble. It was easy to put together and very sturdy. Ive had the bed for 2 months now and havent had any problems. Good value for money.
Im pretty happy with this frame. Im only docking it a point because the wood is damaged on arrival due to some poor stapling techniques on one part splitting the board. Not gonna bother trying to return it since I was able to assemble it
I bought the beige short headboard and its actually light grey, not beige at all.
This bed frame is sturdy and was easy to assemble. It says to have a partner, but I was able to do it myself without any issues. It is much lower to the ground than I was expecting, though. I bought the queen size and used a 10 in. mattress, but it is still very low to the ground. The head board doesnt come up very high at all.
Very impressed.
Super easy to assemble, and the process was done in 30 minutes. Pieces were perfectly packed and in good order. The value way exceeds the cost / high end for a great price. IKEA could learn something from the people, better products, better packing, better design.
Great product from quality to packaging
Great overall bed from how it was packed to quality of the materials and ease of assembly. Would definitely choose the same brand if need to buy again in the future.
Easy to assemble, good value for money
This took less than 1.5 hours to assemble. It was easy to put together and very sturdy. Ive had the bed for 2 months now and havent had any problems. Good value for money.
Super easy to assemble and very sturdy.
This is what I need.
I very like this bed, I bought two full size bed for my sons. They are very happy!
Very EASY assemble
So worth every penny. I would definitely buy from this company again!
Good but minor wood damage
Im pretty happy with this frame. Im only docking it a point because the wood is damaged on arrival due to some poor stapling techniques on one part splitting the board. Not gonna bother trying to return it since I was able to assemble it
Great Little Bed for the Money
Looks great in the room. Nice and sturdy. Great value.
Shorter than expected, Easy to Assemble
I bought the beige short headboard and its actually light grey, not beige at all. This bed frame is sturdy and was easy to assemble. It says to have a partner, but I was able to do it myself without any issues. It is much lower to the ground than I was expecting, though. I bought the queen size and used a 10 in. mattress, but it is still very low to the ground. The head board doesnt come up very high at all.
Comfortable great buy my 11 year old loves it
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