I bought the beige short headboard and its actually light grey, not beige at all.
This bed frame is sturdy and was easy to assemble. It says to have a partner, but I was able to do it myself without any issues. It is much lower to the ground than I was expecting, though. I bought the queen size and used a 10 in. mattress, but it is still very low to the ground. The head board doesnt come up very high at all.
Shorter than expected, Easy to Assemble
I bought the beige short headboard and its actually light grey, not beige at all. This bed frame is sturdy and was easy to assemble. It says to have a partner, but I was able to do it myself without any issues. It is much lower to the ground than I was expecting, though. I bought the queen size and used a 10 in. mattress, but it is still very low to the ground. The head board doesnt come up very high at all.