the great bed looks nice. However it came damaged and the seller never responded. When I reached out. Also it does not come with English instructions it took 5 hours to assemble, trying to figure out which screws went to what.
The girls love it. Ive never received so many compliments on something in my home. Great quality. The slide is steep so I am looking into putting a ballpit at the bottom of it
Easy to assemble, 1/2 man job. Took about 3 hours. Very sturdy. The slide is a bit steep but I think all bunk bed slides are. Just takes time to get used to. Love the unique arrangement of horizontal twin bed up top and vertical full on bottom. We put lights in the treehouse. My 5 year old son loves it!
This product is solid and a great value compared to other bunk beds that cant be separated. There was a discrepancy in the parts that are received compared to the images in the instructions. For instance the end safety caps for the great bed posts are not the same as the ones pictured, and they fall out whenever they feel like it. I had to hot glue them on to keep them in place. but outside of this one issue very happy with my purchase.
Loved the height, and soft texture to this bed its perfect for our 2.5 year old. It was easy assembly, with clear instructions. The delivery was fast and the kindest handler helped push it in the door. The product itself is neat I would just say its a bit expensive for the wooden slacks you receive (too thin In my opinion) I feel as if I sit on it suddenly it will snap the wood. Otherwise looks great.
No English instructions came damaged
the great bed looks nice. However it came damaged and the seller never responded. When I reached out. Also it does not come with English instructions it took 5 hours to assemble, trying to figure out which screws went to what.
In love
Easy to assemble and looks beautiful
Toddler bed
This is a perfect todler bed. It is very low to the ground. Its very sturdy and perfect for my daughters small room. She loves it!
A kids dream bunk bed
The girls love it. Ive never received so many compliments on something in my home. Great quality. The slide is steep so I am looking into putting a ballpit at the bottom of it
Easy to assemble with 2 people
Very sturdy !! Love the quality and arrived with no damages .
Nice product. Takes time to put together.
Kids love it. Slide is pretty steep. Not made for a 3 year old.
Good bed for a little girl
Good bed for a little girl. Like how it is low to the ground. Functional.
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool!
Easy to assemble, 1/2 man job. Took about 3 hours. Very sturdy. The slide is a bit steep but I think all bunk bed slides are. Just takes time to get used to. Love the unique arrangement of horizontal twin bed up top and vertical full on bottom. We put lights in the treehouse. My 5 year old son loves it!
Solid Purchase
This product is solid and a great value compared to other bunk beds that cant be separated. There was a discrepancy in the parts that are received compared to the images in the instructions. For instance the end safety caps for the great bed posts are not the same as the ones pictured, and they fall out whenever they feel like it. I had to hot glue them on to keep them in place. but outside of this one issue very happy with my purchase.
Just as described, soft texture and beautiful color! Perfect for Toddler.
Loved the height, and soft texture to this bed its perfect for our 2.5 year old. It was easy assembly, with clear instructions. The delivery was fast and the kindest handler helped push it in the door. The product itself is neat I would just say its a bit expensive for the wooden slacks you receive (too thin In my opinion) I feel as if I sit on it suddenly it will snap the wood. Otherwise looks great.
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