Shipping took longer then expected but once received it was easy to put together. And my 2 almost 3 year old loves it. She sleeps through the night and doesnt leave her room since she has enough room to move. Would have been 5 stars if it wasnt for the shipping problems.
My 5 year old and 3 year old love this bed. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. The one thing that did disappoint was the fact that it didnt come with anything to secure the drawers from being push all the way under the great bed
My daughter loves her new bed! My only problem was the delivery of the product as it was late a whole week after it was supposed to be delivered. But the product itself was in excellent condition.
Perfect low profile first bed for a 3 year old. It took about 30 minutes for us to put the great bed together and seems sturdy. I have laid next to my daughter on it with no problems.
Directions arent very clear. Make sure you pay attention to detail. Took 3 hours alone to put together. It would help to have an extra set of hands. Probably said 16 cuss words or so in the making. Take it or leave it.
Great bed for moving from toddle bed , 3 year old loves this bed
Shipping took longer then expected but once received it was easy to put together. And my 2 almost 3 year old loves it. She sleeps through the night and doesnt leave her room since she has enough room to move. Would have been 5 stars if it wasnt for the shipping problems.
My daughter is so impressed and showing her bed to everyones who coming to our home
Very pleased
Absolutely love this bed I bought it for my 1yr old and Im very pleased
Great little bed
My 5 year old and 3 year old love this bed. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. The one thing that did disappoint was the fact that it didnt come with anything to secure the drawers from being push all the way under the great bed
Cute bed
My daughter loves her bed, highly recommended. It is so adorable.
Great bed!
My daughter loves her new bed! My only problem was the delivery of the product as it was late a whole week after it was supposed to be delivered. But the product itself was in excellent condition.
Perfect First Bed
Perfect low profile first bed for a 3 year old. It took about 30 minutes for us to put the great bed together and seems sturdy. I have laid next to my daughter on it with no problems.
Good bed ,wroth for price
This is the best money spent Arrived super early !!
Best bed ever!!
Mental puzzle
Directions arent very clear. Make sure you pay attention to detail. Took 3 hours alone to put together. It would help to have an extra set of hands. Probably said 16 cuss words or so in the making. Take it or leave it.
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