Overall, great shelf for a great price. Seller needs work.
Pros: Seems sturdy and is made of good material. Its exactly as expected! I really like the final product after assembly... with that being said....
Cons: The pieces arrived in the box dirty and covered in dust. We had to spend time cleaning them prior to assembly. I highly recommend better storage practices by the seller, this was a very poor presentation.
The shelves were also a bit difficult to assemble, I highly recommend using a drill to assemble this! It may even be required, doing this by hand would be very difficult.
We bought two of these to replace some old bed-side tables. Its exactly the size and colour we were looking for. They arrived in-tact and were straightforward to assemble.
However, Im not happy with way the drawers sit or pull. They sit very loosely, can wiggle side to side easily and feel a bit like theyre grinding when you pull them out. Ive triple checked the assembly and everything looks correct, its like the drawers are ~1/2 cm too narrow for the opening.
Still deciding whether were going to keep them as the rest of it is exactly what we wanted. I am worried the drawers are going to start slipping off the rails after a couple months of use.
The product was damaged in three places. Two of the places I have included pictures. The assembly is fairly straight forward. Also its on the smaller side.
I ordered 2 of these. First one out of the box had scratches all over the drawer fronts. This one the drawer doesnt have the roller attached and no screws to be able to attach.
Next time I will spend a little bit more to get something of better quality.
Great value
Perfect end tables and super easy to assemble. Nicer then any other end tables Ive seen for this price point.
glad I got it
Not for every day use. Decorative
Missing wood dowels
Great product, poor seller.
Overall, great shelf for a great price. Seller needs work. Pros: Seems sturdy and is made of good material. Its exactly as expected! I really like the final product after assembly... with that being said.... Cons: The pieces arrived in the box dirty and covered in dust. We had to spend time cleaning them prior to assembly. I highly recommend better storage practices by the seller, this was a very poor presentation. The shelves were also a bit difficult to assemble, I highly recommend using a drill to assemble this! It may even be required, doing this by hand would be very difficult.
just what i need thanks
looks good.
Looks good but drawers are wiggly and dont slide easily.
We bought two of these to replace some old bed-side tables. Its exactly the size and colour we were looking for. They arrived in-tact and were straightforward to assemble. However, Im not happy with way the drawers sit or pull. They sit very loosely, can wiggle side to side easily and feel a bit like theyre grinding when you pull them out. Ive triple checked the assembly and everything looks correct, its like the drawers are ~1/2 cm too narrow for the opening. Still deciding whether were going to keep them as the rest of it is exactly what we wanted. I am worried the drawers are going to start slipping off the rails after a couple months of use.
Very nice the quality is really good too!
The product is quite affordable and fits really nicely in my two bedrooms. I am very very happy and my husband put it together in no time.
A few damages
The product was damaged in three places. Two of the places I have included pictures. The assembly is fairly straight forward. Also its on the smaller side.
Dont waste your $$. 0/2 on these
I ordered 2 of these. First one out of the box had scratches all over the drawer fronts. This one the drawer doesnt have the roller attached and no screws to be able to attach. Next time I will spend a little bit more to get something of better quality.
Finish is good
Was not easy to assemble but the end product was good enough
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