Overall, great shelf for a great price. Seller needs work.
Pros: Seems sturdy and is made of good material. Its exactly as expected! I really like the final product after assembly... with that being said....
Cons: The pieces arrived in the box dirty and covered in dust. We had to spend time cleaning them prior to assembly. I highly recommend better storage practices by the seller, this was a very poor presentation.
The shelves were also a bit difficult to assemble, I highly recommend using a drill to assemble this! It may even be required, doing this by hand would be very difficult.
Great product, poor seller.
Overall, great shelf for a great price. Seller needs work. Pros: Seems sturdy and is made of good material. Its exactly as expected! I really like the final product after assembly... with that being said.... Cons: The pieces arrived in the box dirty and covered in dust. We had to spend time cleaning them prior to assembly. I highly recommend better storage practices by the seller, this was a very poor presentation. The shelves were also a bit difficult to assemble, I highly recommend using a drill to assemble this! It may even be required, doing this by hand would be very difficult.