At first I was skeptical of the chairs due to the low price, but they have served us well. They are extremely easy to assemble less than 5 minutes, the shipping was super fast and the color matched the photo. GREAT value for the price. For everyday use they are exceptional. Love these and would recommend them. Nice look and color!
It was easy to assemble and comfortable. BUT the sellers are horrible to work with! If you have a problem with the chairs like I do, one sits a little tilt and one squeaks loud every time some one sits or moves, then these PEOPLE WILL NOT HELP YOU. I have sent pictures, tried multiple emails, called to complain (they would have given me a full refund if seller did not respond in 2 days, ofcourse seller responded. To ask for MOTE PICTURES!!) I dont even want a refund, just replace the chairs I was given with better ones that are not broken upon receiving them. I dont think its too much to ask.
These stools have a modern look and match the gray counter quite well. They are comfortable and a nice addition to the kitchen area. The stools were packed nicely and assembled in a few minutes.
I remodeled my kitchen and needed new stools to match my new countertops. The light gray color is great and the stools were super easy to assemble. My remodelers and my friends have all complemented the new additions and say they are surprisingly comfortable. All in all, a great buy!
I love my chairs
I love them
Comfortable and sturdy
Sturdy, only minutes to put together
Perfect. Just as described.
At first I was skeptical of the chairs due to the low price, but they have served us well. They are extremely easy to assemble less than 5 minutes, the shipping was super fast and the color matched the photo. GREAT value for the price. For everyday use they are exceptional. Love these and would recommend them. Nice look and color!
Liked them
Looks good; comfortable
As expected
Great chairs for the money
It was easy to assemble and comfortable. BUT the sellers are horrible to work with! If you have a problem with the chairs like I do, one sits a little tilt and one squeaks loud every time some one sits or moves, then these PEOPLE WILL NOT HELP YOU. I have sent pictures, tried multiple emails, called to complain (they would have given me a full refund if seller did not respond in 2 days, ofcourse seller responded. To ask for MOTE PICTURES!!) I dont even want a refund, just replace the chairs I was given with better ones that are not broken upon receiving them. I dont think its too much to ask.
I like them
Im pleased with them
Stylish Stools
These stools have a modern look and match the gray counter quite well. They are comfortable and a nice addition to the kitchen area. The stools were packed nicely and assembled in a few minutes.
Looks exactly as pictured
Looks great.
Fits the new kitchen
I remodeled my kitchen and needed new stools to match my new countertops. The light gray color is great and the stools were super easy to assemble. My remodelers and my friends have all complemented the new additions and say they are surprisingly comfortable. All in all, a great buy!
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