While one of the wheels arrived broken, the seller replaced it within two weeks. The two smaller drawers allowed my wife to place many smaller items in easy access.
It looks nice and is well built. I was concerned that it would be bent from the shipping process, but it was well packaged. Overall, very nice and sleek. Definitely has quality.
Update: Since is taking care of the wheel issue, I will change the rating to 5. I appreciate s Customer Service Agents and s prompt deliveries. I always refer people to for products. The file cabinet is good but the wheels came broken and I have to return the entire file cabinet just to get a replacement. That would be too much trouble. Now I have to buy wheels from another store. I should not have to experience this inconvenience when I paid for a complete item. Very disappointed because I purchased the file cabinet because it had wheels. But you will love the filing cabinet itself.
I have no complaints about this file cabinet because its perfect. I was able to lift, open the box, remove the shipping materials, and set this entire cabinet under 10 minutes! All I had to do for set up is bolt on the roller casters with drawer guide bars and place the office organizer to the top drawer.
The bottom cabinet is deep while the top drawers are good for flat documents or misc. Keys were included for the top drawer which s and uns without much resistance. The file cabinet itself does well on carpet. My HP Office Pro Printer fits pretty well on top. Overall this is a great product at an affordable price! I actually saved money instead of going to an office furniture store!
I really like the size and mobility of the file cabinet.
Only open one drawer at a time, because it can tip over. This is a common thing with carts on wheels. I dont mind. I love it!
Love everything about the file cabinet except the caster wheels, the plastic housing for the wheels is brittle. I received 2 of these cabinets and first day I have already broken one of the caster wheels. Not worth shipping back / super glue to the rescue.
Small home office space
It is small enough to accommodate my home office space needs, yet large enough to contain my files and supplies. No assembly was the best part.
Just what was needed for the small office
While one of the wheels arrived broken, the seller replaced it within two weeks. The two smaller drawers allowed my wife to place many smaller items in easy access.
Well built.
It looks nice and is well built. I was concerned that it would be bent from the shipping process, but it was well packaged. Overall, very nice and sleek. Definitely has quality.
Updated: Pleased with / DisappointedBroken wheels
Update: Since is taking care of the wheel issue, I will change the rating to 5. I appreciate s Customer Service Agents and s prompt deliveries. I always refer people to for products. The file cabinet is good but the wheels came broken and I have to return the entire file cabinet just to get a replacement. That would be too much trouble. Now I have to buy wheels from another store. I should not have to experience this inconvenience when I paid for a complete item. Very disappointed because I purchased the file cabinet because it had wheels. But you will love the filing cabinet itself.
High Quality
Commercial quality. Minimal assemble. I am sure I will have this forever.
is junk already broken must replace
is junk already broken must replace
Quick Setup, Solid Steel and Top Quality for Affordable Price
I have no complaints about this file cabinet because its perfect. I was able to lift, open the box, remove the shipping materials, and set this entire cabinet under 10 minutes! All I had to do for set up is bolt on the roller casters with drawer guide bars and place the office organizer to the top drawer. The bottom cabinet is deep while the top drawers are good for flat documents or misc. Keys were included for the top drawer which s and uns without much resistance. The file cabinet itself does well on carpet. My HP Office Pro Printer fits pretty well on top. Overall this is a great product at an affordable price! I actually saved money instead of going to an office furniture store!
Easy to assemble. I use for documents
Very handy
I really like the size and mobility of the file cabinet. Only open one drawer at a time, because it can tip over. This is a common thing with carts on wheels. I dont mind. I love it!
Nice cabinet, caster wheels brittle.
Love everything about the file cabinet except the caster wheels, the plastic housing for the wheels is brittle. I received 2 of these cabinets and first day I have already broken one of the caster wheels. Not worth shipping back / super glue to the rescue.
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