my only complaint would be that the headboard is a little bit too short. besides that i absolutely love this bed. it arrived pretty fast and it was easy to assemble. super comfortable and sturdy. love it so much
Honestly its really really cute. I was hesitant about purchasing it but its amazing. The assembly wasnt too difficult but I did have two friends help me out. The storage bins are a clever asset.
Just put this bed together using only hand tools. This bed looks elegant and let me tell you, the assembly instructions read like a dream! And the packaging was very organized, professional and even thoughtful. I bought a whole bedroom set on from different vendors and this one is hands down the best one for its appearance, its packaging and assembly. I have not had it long enough to rave for its quality but by the look of it, it stands out from the other pieces in the room. I highly recommend this bed!
The bed is great. Very sturdy. The drawers are perfect. Only thing is it has very sharp edges. So I had to put rubber cushion strips along all the edges so my 2 year old didnt scrape himself every single time he got on or off the bed. So thats the only downside that should consider fixing. Mine came with broken pieces but I called and they replaced them rather quickly. Over all good value.
We ended up with this bed frame because all the wood frames are out of stock and no local furniture stores are open. I thought we would hate it but actually we really like it. The materials are fake leather fabric that is soft and seems in perfect condition. The supports are wood and steel. I put it together myself. It took a methodical approach, plenty of floor space, and about two hours. No problems with it and it went together very sturdy. It fits the mattress great and is very cozy to sit against. It looks great in the room.
Theres a lot of space for storage. The drawers have to lift up to open and close. Its a little lower than anticipated but I didnt check that measurement before purchase so it may say in the description. A little difficult to put together. Overall a great bed for my daughters room. Pretty.
Easy to assemble, and it looks great !!! Feels sturdy. Totally worth the price
totally worth it!
my only complaint would be that the headboard is a little bit too short. besides that i absolutely love this bed. it arrived pretty fast and it was easy to assemble. super comfortable and sturdy. love it so much
Looks good
Its a bit smaller in height as I thought but thats my fault for not measuring. I think it looks amazing for my purpose.
Amazing product!!
Honestly its really really cute. I was hesitant about purchasing it but its amazing. The assembly wasnt too difficult but I did have two friends help me out. The storage bins are a clever asset.
Very white
The white is too bright. It also makes sounds every time my skinny 8 year old stands on her knees or drops herself on it. Hope it will last.
Great product with impeccable packaging and instructions
Just put this bed together using only hand tools. This bed looks elegant and let me tell you, the assembly instructions read like a dream! And the packaging was very organized, professional and even thoughtful. I bought a whole bedroom set on from different vendors and this one is hands down the best one for its appearance, its packaging and assembly. I have not had it long enough to rave for its quality but by the look of it, it stands out from the other pieces in the room. I highly recommend this bed!
Sturdy bed. Love it. But had to modify myself.
The bed is great. Very sturdy. The drawers are perfect. Only thing is it has very sharp edges. So I had to put rubber cushion strips along all the edges so my 2 year old didnt scrape himself every single time he got on or off the bed. So thats the only downside that should consider fixing. Mine came with broken pieces but I called and they replaced them rather quickly. Over all good value.
Better than I thought, sturdy and comfy
We ended up with this bed frame because all the wood frames are out of stock and no local furniture stores are open. I thought we would hate it but actually we really like it. The materials are fake leather fabric that is soft and seems in perfect condition. The supports are wood and steel. I put it together myself. It took a methodical approach, plenty of floor space, and about two hours. No problems with it and it went together very sturdy. It fits the mattress great and is very cozy to sit against. It looks great in the room.
A little hard to assemble but really cute
Theres a lot of space for storage. The drawers have to lift up to open and close. Its a little lower than anticipated but I didnt check that measurement before purchase so it may say in the description. A little difficult to put together. Overall a great bed for my daughters room. Pretty.
Good price for good quality.
I love this bed the color is beautiful, it was a reasonable price and its very sturdy and comfortable doesnt give me any issues !
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