Assembly was pretty frustrating. Instructions on the two drawers were terrible. It took us over two hours to put together. That is ridiculous.
The table is pretty sturdy and I really like it once we got it put together.
I expected the product to be a little better quality. It is press board. Overall it went together ok. Looks like the picture and will work for my purposes.
Drawers get stuck and I just can't tight the little screws no more. I've spent a whole freaking day trying to make it work, but they keep hitting something. I've assemble many of these pieces in the past,.but this one has taken me the most of my mental energy. Very poorly thought on the rail assembly. The rails should come with a dip where the screws go so they go deep and avoid the friction with the wheels. I will not return it because it's already assembled and I'm just fed up with, but I would not buy again or wouldn't recommend to anybody!!
This product is nice and sturdy but way way way too complicated to put together. Some of the screws dont even hold the pieces together and the drawers wont fit correctly. Im not sure if I got something defective but I would probably return it if it wasnt so complicated to take apart.
I at the beginning putting it together and it wants me to put gliders on both sides of Support Bar but each set of 2 gliders are called CR, CL, DL and DR. I finally gave up and waiting for customer service to respond to my problem.
All right
To many parts
Worth the price!!
Love this table! Great price for such a nice piece.
Excellent value and style
Paid extra to have it assembled. Its much better than expected. Love it.
Easily assembled and well made. Looks great and drawers slide perfect
Instructions hard to follow and assembly took way too long.
Assembly was pretty frustrating. Instructions on the two drawers were terrible. It took us over two hours to put together. That is ridiculous. The table is pretty sturdy and I really like it once we got it put together.
Could be better quality
I expected the product to be a little better quality. It is press board. Overall it went together ok. Looks like the picture and will work for my purposes.
Awesome easy install
Everything was so easily marked and easy to put together
Bad Rails Design
Drawers get stuck and I just can't tight the little screws no more. I've spent a whole freaking day trying to make it work, but they keep hitting something. I've assemble many of these pieces in the past,.but this one has taken me the most of my mental energy. Very poorly thought on the rail assembly. The rails should come with a dip where the screws go so they go deep and avoid the friction with the wheels. I will not return it because it's already assembled and I'm just fed up with, but I would not buy again or wouldn't recommend to anybody!!
Complicated assembly
This product is nice and sturdy but way way way too complicated to put together. Some of the screws dont even hold the pieces together and the drawers wont fit correctly. Im not sure if I got something defective but I would probably return it if it wasnt so complicated to take apart.
Quality is great
I at the beginning putting it together and it wants me to put gliders on both sides of Support Bar but each set of 2 gliders are called CR, CL, DL and DR. I finally gave up and waiting for customer service to respond to my problem.
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