I'm so happy with my purchase! The seller shipped it quickly. There were a few shallow hairline cracks in the wood but nothing damaged. The wood is sturdy and solid, the instructions were clear, the pieces fit together easily and properly. It's a beautiful bunkbed at an affordable price.
Great bed. I got this for my daughter so that she can have sleepovers and extra space for friends and family. She loves it. It took a couple hours to put together, but that was pretty decent since I did it myself with no help except when placing the top bunk on top of the bottom bunk, you will absolutely need 2 people. It is very sturdy. I recommend using a bunkie board for both the top bunk and bottom bunk before putting the mattresses on.
Excellent quality and value. Bought it for a very narrow guest room and needed to sleep three. Easy to put together for one person. Need a wee bit of help to lift the top bed into place. I've had it for a year and it's held up to kids, dogs, and their shenanigans.
Weve had it 3 years now and just moved to a new place. Took it apart to transport. . Still as solid as the day we bought it.
Seems like a great product for the price but still can't give you my final answer.... Got started building this bunkbed to find out I was sent the wrong piece... called for a replacement part and have now been waiting for over two weeks to complete this bed for my kids. As of now they're having to share a bed.
This is the best bed ever. Super sturdy and great price however you do need to be careful some of the screws were not useable. But great price and my kids love it.
nice and study my kids love it
Took me a couple hours to put together, nice and study my kids love it !!
Great Bunkbed
I'm so happy with my purchase! The seller shipped it quickly. There were a few shallow hairline cracks in the wood but nothing damaged. The wood is sturdy and solid, the instructions were clear, the pieces fit together easily and properly. It's a beautiful bunkbed at an affordable price.
Great big kid bed
My little boy loves his new bed! It did take my husband like 5 hours to put together, but it's nice and sturdy and I love the dark blue color.
Gorgeous bed!
Great bed. I got this for my daughter so that she can have sleepovers and extra space for friends and family. She loves it. It took a couple hours to put together, but that was pretty decent since I did it myself with no help except when placing the top bunk on top of the bottom bunk, you will absolutely need 2 people. It is very sturdy. I recommend using a bunkie board for both the top bunk and bottom bunk before putting the mattresses on.
Worth it. Quality. Value. Love it!
Excellent quality and value. Bought it for a very narrow guest room and needed to sleep three. Easy to put together for one person. Need a wee bit of help to lift the top bed into place. I've had it for a year and it's held up to kids, dogs, and their shenanigans. Weve had it 3 years now and just moved to a new place. Took it apart to transport. . Still as solid as the day we bought it.
Gray twin/full bunk
So far so good. Def need two ppl to assemble
Seems like a great product for the price but still can't ...
Seems like a great product for the price but still can't give you my final answer.... Got started building this bunkbed to find out I was sent the wrong piece... called for a replacement part and have now been waiting for over two weeks to complete this bed for my kids. As of now they're having to share a bed.
This is the best bed ever
This is the best bed ever. Super sturdy and great price however you do need to be careful some of the screws were not useable. But great price and my kids love it.
Very sturdy. Not cheap particle board at all
Very sturdy. Not cheap particle board at all. You're gonna have to set some time aside to put this together. The small person loves it!
Awesome product!
Bed is awesome! The 3 extra legs under bed are not great but still overall i am very happy with this bed and my kids enjoy it very much.
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