This is perfect for small spaces. My front foyer is not large, but needed a place to hold keys and set things down. This does the job! Took my son about 5 minutes to assemble, no complaints! Very sturdy and well worth the money.
Such a pretty little table ! Perfect for a small entry. It is very well designed and really adds elegance. Good value for the money. Arrived in time and in perfect condition. Highly recommend it.
When I received this table, it was all brand new and little to no scratch marks with it. This table was easy to assemble and it took me less than 10 minutes to put it all together. The first part I had to use the screw driver and then the last parts had to be done by hand. Overall, this table is sturdy and effortless to assemble! I highly recommend it to anyone who ones to fill up a small space for the hallway! Great deal to by the way since marked way less than the original price!! For sure, its a win!
It is a very nice and good looking small table. Very easy to be assembled. The top portion of the table is already assembled by the manufacturer so all you need to do is to screw the legs and the bottom board on within 5 min. The color is espresso and darker than the pictures showed on or the internet probably due to the the exposure light for the pictures. It is too dark for my room so I bought the metallic antique gold paint to add a little more color for it. It looks much better and classic now in my room as showed in my photo pictures as attached.
Great item
My house
Small and adorable.
This is perfect for small spaces. My front foyer is not large, but needed a place to hold keys and set things down. This does the job! Took my son about 5 minutes to assemble, no complaints! Very sturdy and well worth the money.
Home Furnishing End Table/Side Table, Espresso Finish
This table very nicely fits into My home decor. It was easy to assemble and required no tools.
Simple to assemble; nice finish for the price.
Would like to have had felt pads on the bottom of the legs but easily remedied. Very happy with my choice. Perfect size for this space.
perfect fit for the space.
Such a pretty little table ! Perfect for a small entry. It is very well designed and really adds elegance. Good value for the money. Arrived in time and in perfect condition. Highly recommend it.
Just the thing I needed for my beach/themed guest bathroom!
Great for small space!
When I received this table, it was all brand new and little to no scratch marks with it. This table was easy to assemble and it took me less than 10 minutes to put it all together. The first part I had to use the screw driver and then the last parts had to be done by hand. Overall, this table is sturdy and effortless to assemble! I highly recommend it to anyone who ones to fill up a small space for the hallway! Great deal to by the way since marked way less than the original price!! For sure, its a win!
Very nice looking small table
It is a very nice and good looking small table. Very easy to be assembled. The top portion of the table is already assembled by the manufacturer so all you need to do is to screw the legs and the bottom board on within 5 min. The color is espresso and darker than the pictures showed on or the internet probably due to the the exposure light for the pictures. It is too dark for my room so I bought the metallic antique gold paint to add a little more color for it. It looks much better and classic now in my room as showed in my photo pictures as attached.
pretty easy to put together. thanks.
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