I was looking for a small space table for my entry way. I found this little gem,
Super easy to assemble and the perfect size I was looking for. However, I was unsure as to how sturdy it would be. I have a sculpture I wanted to put on top of this table, and its a 25 pound bronze sculpture. It holds the weight perfectly.
Beautiful, just love this!
We put an antique telephone on this just beautiful.
A great find!
I was looking for a small space table for my entry way. I found this little gem, Super easy to assemble and the perfect size I was looking for. However, I was unsure as to how sturdy it would be. I have a sculpture I wanted to put on top of this table, and its a 25 pound bronze sculpture. It holds the weight perfectly.
Very nice little table and very sturdy.
I would definitely recommend this for the money easy to assemble very well/built and very sturdy. Plus it looks good
Simply elegant
Simply beautiful. Easy to assemble, came well/packaged. Looks great in my small entryway.
It is a very good product
Is easy to assemble
beautiful color of wood
Great price easy to set up looks expensive when set up (antique look) sturdy on the ground got lots of compliments on it
Its little but cute for small spaces.
Darker than pictured
Great little table. Easy to assemble and very sturdy. However, it is much darker than pictured.
The perfect table.
Love this table and it fits perfectly in my space.
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