This fits perfect in my space and has plenty of room. The downside is that this is not a sturdy cabinet. The sides are pretty thin MDF board but for the price it makes sense.
It seems pretty sturdy, but the weight limits are low. I wish it came with two more shelves, the spacing limits what or how much could be storedbut guessing that would violate the overall weight limits.
It took this 59 y.o. disabled woman about 3 hours to assemble with only a moderate amount of profanity. It looks nice and I hope it holds up.
I got this to store fabric in my sewing room. It took me 3 hours to assemble on my own, but I didnt rush through it. The instructions were very clear. I think I made one small mistake but it is in the interior and doesnt matter a bit. Everything lined up and fit well as far as screwing everything together. At first I was worried about flimsiness after I first stood it up, but it held 2 of my 3 big totes worth of fabric ( which I need to organize better but thats a different project). I have a second one arriving next week and that should handle the rest. Im really pleased with it, though I wish the handles were dark rather than silver.
Its beautiful BUT ours came and 3 pieces were cracked. I dont understand how because it was packed really good. We shouldve sent it back but we didnt want to pack everything back up.
The product description says it has 4 adjustable shelves, leading you to believe from all dimensions listed that they are full width shelves. The photo only shows 1 door open so you dont see that there is a center support that divides the width in half so while you have 4 shelves, they are only 14 inches wide thereby, reducing your storage capacity. I planned to use this for shoe storage in shoe boxes - now I cant get as many boxes per shelf.
Assembly has 14 steps, but all are multiple parts or steps w/in steps. As long as following directions, it went together well. 4 + hrs toassemble. But its done and now well see how it holds up. Seemed sturdy enough. Perfect for massage room to store sheets, bolsters and supplies.
Good storage but not too sturdy
This fits perfect in my space and has plenty of room. The downside is that this is not a sturdy cabinet. The sides are pretty thin MDF board but for the price it makes sense.
Looks good, seems sturdy
It seems pretty sturdy, but the weight limits are low. I wish it came with two more shelves, the spacing limits what or how much could be storedbut guessing that would violate the overall weight limits. It took this 59 y.o. disabled woman about 3 hours to assemble with only a moderate amount of profanity. It looks nice and I hope it holds up.
Very good storage capacity but poor craftsmanship
The pre-bored holes did not always line up effectively leaving the right hand door weakened and improper joint of the doors when closed
Ok for the money
Very easy to assemble. Doors and panels are very flimsy and when finish doors dont aligned even when adjusted
It was easy to assemble
I thought that it will be hard to assemble by myself but it was pretty easy.
Fab fabric storage
I got this to store fabric in my sewing room. It took me 3 hours to assemble on my own, but I didnt rush through it. The instructions were very clear. I think I made one small mistake but it is in the interior and doesnt matter a bit. Everything lined up and fit well as far as screwing everything together. At first I was worried about flimsiness after I first stood it up, but it held 2 of my 3 big totes worth of fabric ( which I need to organize better but thats a different project). I have a second one arriving next week and that should handle the rest. Im really pleased with it, though I wish the handles were dark rather than silver.
ok for a laundry room but not as a piece of furniture
storage cabinetlooks good but cheaply made and not very sturdy. More wood should have been used in its crafting since it was not a very cheap item.
Beautiful but some pieces were cracked
Its beautiful BUT ours came and 3 pieces were cracked. I dont understand how because it was packed really good. We shouldve sent it back but we didnt want to pack everything back up.
Incorrect descriptioin
The product description says it has 4 adjustable shelves, leading you to believe from all dimensions listed that they are full width shelves. The photo only shows 1 door open so you dont see that there is a center support that divides the width in half so while you have 4 shelves, they are only 14 inches wide thereby, reducing your storage capacity. I planned to use this for shoe storage in shoe boxes - now I cant get as many boxes per shelf.
Took 4 hrs to assemble!!
Assembly has 14 steps, but all are multiple parts or steps w/in steps. As long as following directions, it went together well. 4 + hrs toassemble. But its done and now well see how it holds up. Seemed sturdy enough. Perfect for massage room to store sheets, bolsters and supplies.
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