The front leg brace was on upside down so that it could not be assembled. Luckily a friend saw the problem and fixed it. Then it went together quickly. The chair is very sturdy and good quality.
Chose it over larger chairs because they fold. Great decision! They are great and natural looking. So very comfortable. (Thin to Medium sized people) Fold easily, not too heavy, but still sturdy.Dont let the low price fool you. Great versatile nice looking chair.
Love these chairs! We purchased them thinking long term the price is worth the durability and ease of care. They match the sunbrella red, as you can see from the cushions in the pic. For these chairs, we dont think cushions are necessary, as they are very comfortable. We cant wait to plant flowers in pots this summer to finish off the patio and enjoy our time in this beautiful space.
They are easy to assemble, but I recommend 2 people did the job.
I ordered 6 of these chairs they were very easy to put together and are sturdy and very comfortable but one of the chairs right out of the box was not attached properly on the seating part and my husband had to improvise to try and attach it using a screw as you can see from the pictures thats as close as the pieces got together besides that one chair all the other ones are in great condition and are pretty great for our patio
Make sure pilot holes are deep. If not drill near depth of screws. Can split wood if not. Back of chair, apply 2 end sides first not middle. Dont tighten until each section is put together. Do armrests last, installing wood support first, then screws for supportarmrest, making sure room for folding back rest portion.
I bought two of these as house warming gifts for my son and his wife. I found them easy to assemble .
Consider this Pro Tip. Set up a table to work on. Avoid trying to do the assembly on the floor, unless you are a contortionist. The pieces arrive in a single box and there are a lot of parts. Working off the ground lets you get everything square and enables you to position yourself at various angles in order to see what you are doing and insure things fit together correctly.
Separate all the parts first and group them together; ie: seat back pieces, bottom seat slats, arms/legs etc etc. The instructions will help you sort everything. One the pieces are sorted and grouped, have at it.
The foldup collapsible design is a nice touch.
I thought the quality was excellent and I didnt have much trouble lining the precut pieces up once I had everything in easy to identify piles. First chair took about ninety minutes which also included sorting all the pieces for both chairs; knocked the second one out in about a half hour. All in all, a fun build. I thought the chairs were a very good value at 75/each.
One piece upside down.
The front leg brace was on upside down so that it could not be assembled. Luckily a friend saw the problem and fixed it. Then it went together quickly. The chair is very sturdy and good quality.
I was worry for the instruction but it was easy and perfect really happy with the chairs.
Fantastic chair!
Fantastic chair!
Adirondack chair
Easily assembled, very sturdy is comfortable
Price is low but quality is great. Comfortable, easy assembly easy fold. Love them!
Chose it over larger chairs because they fold. Great decision! They are great and natural looking. So very comfortable. (Thin to Medium sized people) Fold easily, not too heavy, but still sturdy.Dont let the low price fool you. Great versatile nice looking chair.
Easy Assembly
Very easy to assemble. It looks likes we will see how it holds up.
Highly recommend these comfortable and durable chairs
Love these chairs! We purchased them thinking long term the price is worth the durability and ease of care. They match the sunbrella red, as you can see from the cushions in the pic. For these chairs, we dont think cushions are necessary, as they are very comfortable. We cant wait to plant flowers in pots this summer to finish off the patio and enjoy our time in this beautiful space. They are easy to assemble, but I recommend 2 people did the job.
Besides one chair all the other ones are really great these chairs are sturdy and very comfortable
I ordered 6 of these chairs they were very easy to put together and are sturdy and very comfortable but one of the chairs right out of the box was not attached properly on the seating part and my husband had to improvise to try and attach it using a screw as you can see from the pictures thats as close as the pieces got together besides that one chair all the other ones are in great condition and are pretty great for our patio
Paint/protect first then assemble with image of final product implanted in mind
Make sure pilot holes are deep. If not drill near depth of screws. Can split wood if not. Back of chair, apply 2 end sides first not middle. Dont tighten until each section is put together. Do armrests last, installing wood support first, then screws for supportarmrest, making sure room for folding back rest portion.
Easy to assemble, sturdy and looks terrific
I bought two of these as house warming gifts for my son and his wife. I found them easy to assemble . However: Consider this Pro Tip. Set up a table to work on. Avoid trying to do the assembly on the floor, unless you are a contortionist. The pieces arrive in a single box and there are a lot of parts. Working off the ground lets you get everything square and enables you to position yourself at various angles in order to see what you are doing and insure things fit together correctly. Separate all the parts first and group them together; ie: seat back pieces, bottom seat slats, arms/legs etc etc. The instructions will help you sort everything. One the pieces are sorted and grouped, have at it. The foldup collapsible design is a nice touch. I thought the quality was excellent and I didnt have much trouble lining the precut pieces up once I had everything in easy to identify piles. First chair took about ninety minutes which also included sorting all the pieces for both chairs; knocked the second one out in about a half hour. All in all, a fun build. I thought the chairs were a very good value at 75/each.
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