Perfect size for a single toddler. We did add extra boards on the area where the chalk poster hangs because we felt it might be a safety issue. lots of various parts,made for small children only.
I bought it as a gift for my sons 5th birthday. My husband and I assembled it in like 3-4 hrs. It has a lots of parts to put together but the instructions are easy to follow. You can adjust the swing to different levels. In the top part fits to little kids at the same time using the chalkboard.
Takes time to assemble. Directions are clear and helpful. Still takes a long time to assemble, like a jigsaw puzzle. Take your time, do not plan to finished in one day, but, when you do finish, your child will LOVE the results
This play set took my husband and I six hours to put together. For the price, it is a good purchase. It’s not the highest quality play set, but I feel it will last my kids a few years. I have a 7, 4 and 2 year old. They all love it. My 7 year old might outgrow it soon.
We hired a professional to put together, and he said it was more difficult to assemble than he initially thought and took much longer than anticipated. Otherwise, it’s fine and will entertain the little ones for hopefully a few years.
Great buy!
Perfect size for a single toddler. We did add extra boards on the area where the chalk poster hangs because we felt it might be a safety issue. lots of various parts,made for small children only.
Perfect for little kids
I bought it as a gift for my sons 5th birthday. My husband and I assembled it in like 3-4 hrs. It has a lots of parts to put together but the instructions are easy to follow. You can adjust the swing to different levels. In the top part fits to little kids at the same time using the chalkboard.
Fund Product
Takes time to assemble. Directions are clear and helpful. Still takes a long time to assemble, like a jigsaw puzzle. Take your time, do not plan to finished in one day, but, when you do finish, your child will LOVE the results
Well made
So many different types of cordless power tool heads required to assemble this.
Great gift
We got this for our 5 year old grandson and he loves it, can’t wait for summer and friends to come play.
Overall, worth the purchase
This play set took my husband and I six hours to put together. For the price, it is a good purchase. It’s not the highest quality play set, but I feel it will last my kids a few years. I have a 7, 4 and 2 year old. They all love it. My 7 year old might outgrow it soon.
It works
We hired a professional to put together, and he said it was more difficult to assemble than he initially thought and took much longer than anticipated. Otherwise, it’s fine and will entertain the little ones for hopefully a few years.
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